Treaty with Cheyenne and Sioux Tribes
U.S agreed to take Sioux Indians under their protection -
Fort Laramie Treaty
Both parties agreed that all war between them would forever cease. U.S agreed to reimburse Indians. The U.S gave Indians the right to hunt in Big Horn Mountains. -
Black Hills Act
Congress confiscated the Black Hills portion of the reservation. U.S confiscated the right to hunt in Big Horn -
Last Sioux Buffalo Hunt
Herds Infected
Indians issue beef herds on the Sioux reservation were killed by anthrax -
Sioux Famine
U.S lied and cut rations given to Indians by half as soon as they secured the signatures of the chiefs. This created a famine of the Sioux -
Act of Congress
Divided the treaty reservation into six smaller reservations -
Wovoka Rising
Wovoka arose from the dead after a total eclipse of the sun. This resulted in the creation of the Ghost Dance -
L. Hyde
L. Hyde believed that the Sioux were on the warpath -
Sitting Bull Dies
Chief Sitting Bull was murdered by an Indian police commanded by Agent McLaughlin. Sitting Bull's men fled and Chief Big Foot seeked revenge. -
Big Foot Captured
Chief Big Foot was captured by Colonel Forsyth -
Sioux Ceremony
Sioux ceremonial Ghost Dance that lead to battle of wounded knee -
Massacre Aftermath
Burial party picked up 146 dead Indian bodies and dug a mass grave to bury the bodies