Worlt Wart Dos

  • Munich Conference

    Conference in which france,Uk,and italy signed to permit germany's of annexation of Czechoslovakia
  • Kristallnacht

    a series of cooradinated attacks troughtout nazi germany. the police watched without interfearing
  • St Louis Affair

    over 900 jews borded the St. Louis and where denied entry to cuba and america, eventually being allowed in to france and great britten
  • Nuremburg laws

    laws that restricted jews from living a normal life in nazi germany.
  • Death Camps

    Extermination Camps used by the nazis, mostly for the Jewish Religion.
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German forces invaded Poland from the north, south, and west. As the Germans advanced, Polish forces withdrew from their forward bases of operation close to the Polish–German border to more established lines of defence to the east.
  • German Invasion of France

    German units pushed through france to cut off and surround other troops on the otherside near beliguium. After Britain withdrew, the Germans focused all their power on the French. Eventually the French caved, and ended up signing an armistice
  • Dunkirk

    Defence and evacuation of British, and allied forces from europe.
  • Invasion of North Africa

    First invo9lvement by US was here. Fighting tarted wuth the Italian Decleartion of War.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Surprise attack on the US by the Japenese.
  • Wake Island

    Began because of the attack on pearl harbor, due to the US's surrender there.Held by Japenese for duration of the Pacific War until eventually surrendering to US.
  • Wannsee confrence

    was brought togather to discuss the finnal solution of jews in nazi germany
  • Fire Bombing of Tokyo

    Series of Bombings done by the US. This had large effects on the morale of the chinese.
  • Bataan Death March

    Forcible tramsfer of Filipinos and Americans by the japanese. 3 months long.Started at Mariveles, Bataan to San Fernando, Pampanga
  • Phillipines

    Japan tried to invade while US, defended. US outnumbered Japan of a ratio of 3:2. Japanese tried to conquer them for their sake to make all countries like them.
  • Coral Sea

    Major naval battle in the Pacific War of WWII beetween Japenese and Allied countries. As an attempt to increase their control the japanese moved to the south pacific, so the allies stopped it.
  • Midway

    Most important battle of the Pacific campaign in WWII. US defeated japanese inflicting immense damage to them. Japanese sought to destroy US as a naval power and failed.
  • Guadalcanal

    Fought beetween and on Guadalcanal.First major offensive of Allied Powers.
  • Stalingrad

    Bloodiest war in history. German offensive to capture Stalingrad
  • Sicily Invasion

    Allied invasion of Sicily.Allies took Sicily from axis.Launched the Italian Campaign, Consisted of, air land and water battles.
  • Trinity Test

    First detonation of a nuclear device.
  • Invasion of Italy

    3,500 casualties
  • Fall of Rome

    In mid-August, hoping to spare Rome from destruction, the new government declared it an ''open city'' -- in effect, a demilitarized zone free from military activity by the warring antagonists.
  • Tarawa

    This event was the first time in the war that the United States faced serious Japanese opposition to an amphibious landing
  • Tehran Conference

    was a strategy meeting held between Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill from 28 November to 1 December 1943.
  • D-Day

    The landings were conducted in two phases: an airborne assault landing of 24,000 British, American and Canadian airborne troops shortly after midnight, and an amphibious landing of Allied infantry and armoured divisions on the coast of France starting at 6:30 am.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle launched by the germans.The area was heavily forested and occured at night.The Germans caught the U.S. off guard.
  • Yelta Conference

    During this conference the discussion of the re-establishment of the nations of europe occured.
  • Iwo Jima

    Area located near Japan. Battle fought over whole island of Iwo Jima. Fouht beetween Japan and US. We wanted it so we could stage it for a naval base.
  • Death of FDR

    Unfortuneatly FDR died near the final stages of the war. He died of cerebral Hemorrhage.
  • Okinawa

    The battle of Okinawa lasted 82 days.The US planned to use okinawa as an air base.Largest number of casualties related to the water.
  • VE Day

    Stands for victory in europe day.Known as the day the Nazi Army officially surrendered.
  • Enola Gay

    Name of the B-29 bomber used in Hiroshima. First aircraft to drop an atomic bomb.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Can also be referred to as the Berlin Conference of the three heads of the USA USSR and UK. It was gathered to discuss the punishments of the Nazi Army.
  • Hiroshima

    Main focus of the First aromic bomb dropped by enola gay.
    Whole city had been demolished. Occured near the end of the war.
  • Nagasaki

    Name of the bomb used by Enola Gay, and used to bomb Hiroshima
  • VJ Day

    Also know as Victory over Japan Day. Day officialy known as the day that Japan surrendered.