
  • Blitzkrieg

    Blitzkrieg was a german word meaning "lightning war". it consisted of alot of ground troops backed up by alot of heavy armor. the airforce also supported by using bombs
  • Japan Invades China

  • Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference was held because Germany wanted to gain control of a part of Czechoslovakia, called the "sudetenland".
  • Non-Aggression Pact

    The Non-Agression pact was an agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union. The pact stated that both countries would not use military action between one another. The pact also said that neither country would help out any country that was being attacked by the other country. It also stated who would get certain parts of Poland after Hitler conquered Poland. The pact was successfull until Hitler attacked Russia officially ending it.
  • Germany Invades Poland

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    Battle of Britain

  • Lend-Lease Act

    The purpose of the Lend-Lease Act was to provide help to our European allies by giving them supplies needed for war. It let the President to give weapons or anything used for defense of our allies. The act was the main way the U.S. was giving aid to foreign countrys. But, the lend-lease act got the U.S. closer to being in the war.
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    Operation Barbarossa

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    The Holocaust

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor was a suprise attack by the Japanese on the U.S. Naval base in Hawii. Hundreds of Japanese plnaes bombed, torpedoed, and flew into the moored boats at the naval base. The attack was one of the reasons that the U.S. entered into World War 2.
  • Wannsee Conference

    The Wannsee Conference was a meeting between Nazi officials, they were deciding what to do about the Jews in Germany.
  • Bataan Death March

    at the bataan pennisula the American soldiers surrendered to the Japanese attackers. All of about 75,000 troops were forced to make a 65-mile march to the prison camps. The soldiers had to endure the harsh treatments by the Japanese on the march. Thousands of soldiers died because they were starved and badly beaten by the Japanese
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    Battle of Midway

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    Battle of Stalingrad

  • D-Day

    D-Day was the American invasion of Normady, France.
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    Battle of the Bulge

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    Battle of Iwo Jima

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    Battle of Okinawa

  • V-E Day

  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    An American B-29 bomber dropped a bomb of Hiroshima, this was the first time an atomic bomb was ever deployed.
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

  • V-J Day

  • Warsaw Pact