
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty of Versailles was the treaty that ended world war one or as it was known then the great war. It implemented harsh terms on the Germans like having to reduce their army down to ten-thousand men, not being able to have an army in the Rhineland, not being able to have an air force and they had to pay about 500 billion dollars in today's money.
  • Hitler comes into power

    Hitler comes into power
    Hitler gains power after a lot of pressure on the old prime minister, Franz von Papen, after a lot of pressure on the government from the Nazi party, the radicals that Hitler was a part of.
  • Hitler's Olympics (1936 Summer Olympics)

    Hitler's Olympics (1936 Summer Olympics)
    Hitler and Germany host the 1936 Summer Olympics so that they can put on a better light for the entire world. They basically propagandize all of Germany so that it looks like a very great place and they build a giant and very modern stadium. Their entire goal was to make Germany seem like a sophisticated and modern country while hiding the dark secrets. Directly starting after these Olympics the first concentration camps started to pop up.
  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    On September first the German forces and the Soviet Forces from the east and west started pushing their way into Poland. The Soviets and the Germans had made a treaty to help take Poland and split it between them.
  • The Nazi's establish the first gas chambers in Auschwitz

    The Nazi's establish the first gas chambers in Auschwitz
    This was the first concentration camp that was created and the Nazi's would eventually established over 1000 concentration camps and 6 extermination camps. They killed 6 million jews at least by the end of the war and also killed thousands of disabled or unwanted people.
  • Tripartite pact signed

    Tripartite pact signed
    The tripartite pact was signed between the three big powers rising up. Germany, Italy and Japan, who all had tyrannical leaders and all wanted to get more land for their countries. They signed this pact and created the Axis powers to help each other gain more land and also so that they could scare the Americans into not getting into the war until Pearl Harbor.
  • Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa)

    Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa)
    Very suddenly on the day of June 22 German soldiers start pouring into the Soviet Union pushing back the Soviets. The largest ground invasion in history with almost 3 million people spread out along the Soviets large border. They had 19 whole panzer divisions and 3000 tanks, 7000 artiliery and 2500 planes. The Germans were eventually pushed back with 720000 deaths.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On the morning of July 7 at 7:55 353 aircraft descended out of the sky and started bombing Pearl Harbor, America's main Pacific base. This attack that had been in the planning for 11 months swiftly killed 2403 people and damaged 19 navy ships and 8 battleships sinking 4 of them. Luckily the aircraft carriers were not present which was very lucky for the Americans. The attack only lasted one hour and 15 minutes yet it was the turning point in the war.
  • Japanese Americans sent to intermittent camps

    Japanese Americans sent to intermittent camps
    In fear of spies and traitors within America FDR signed and executive order that all Japanese Americans were to be put into intermittent camps. They had to live in intermittent camps for the remainder of the war although they were much less inhumane than the concentration camps in Germany.
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders
    Italy surrendered after a long campaign in Africa when Americans took Sicily and then started moving their way up mainland Italy.
  • D-day

    7,000 ships and landing craft manned by over 195,000 naval personnel from eight allied countries. Almost 133,000 troops came out of the fog on the morning of June 6 1944. They landed at 5 key places along Normandy. The British forces at Gold and Sword, the Americans at Utah and Omaha and the Australians and other forces at Juno. Omaha was particularly bloody. In total about 5 thousand people did on that one morning but it marked a turning point in the war and much needed land on mainland Europe.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    After a long Pacific campaign America starts to get close to Japan but they need to take Iwo Jima. There were 70,000 US marines and 16000 Japanese soldiers in the battle. In its 36 days of combat this battle killed 46000 people. After this battle the US was in bombing range of Japan and a firebombing campaign of Japan's wooden cites began.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    Germany after 5 years of fighting and at its peak they had 3.28 million square kilometers. For reference today they have 357 thousand square kilometers. They eventually fell after being attacked from the British and Americans in the west and south and the Soviets in the East and eventually the German empire fell.
  • The nuclear bombs of Heroshima

    The nuclear bombs of Heroshima
  • Period: to

    American bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the only two times nukes were ever used in armed conflict. These nukes killed 355 thousand people singlehandedly. They were respectively named for this destructive power Little Boy and Fat Man. Also the nuclear fallout from these nukes also killed almost 200 thousand people.
  • The nuclear bomb of Hiroshima

    The nuclear bomb of Hiroshima
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders
    On September 2, 1945 the second world war finally ends when Douglas MacArthur oversees the signing of the surrender of Japan to America. They let Japan keep running as long as they took all the islands other than the mainland, maintaining a temporary force and disarmament. The emperor was allowed to keep his job but had to post in the press a picture of him next to General McArthur showing he is not the all godly being people thought he was.