
  • Czechoslovakia

    Germany gits part Czechoslovakia called student land from France and Britan
  • Germany and Italy are Friends

    Germany signed a pact with I taly to support each other
  • Hitler Breaks the Pact

    Hitler Breaks the Pact
    Hitler breaks the pact with Europe by taking the rest of the country
  • War Breaks Out

    September 1 Germany invaded Poland and War begins
  • poor america

    Britan announced they didn't have money to get the United states materials
  • Fallen Islands

    Guam and Wake island fell into Japan's hands
  • battles begin

    On August 9, 1941, Roosevelt met with Winston Churchill on a battleship off the coast of Newfoundland.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on Sunday, December 7, 1941.
  • Theaters of War

    1942 the allies were on the theater of the war
  • Hong Kong

    Hong Kong
    Japan took Hong Kong and took more new territory
  • Tokyo Away

    A small group launched Army Aircraft and they bombed Tokyo
  • The Tanks

    The british start an attack on El Alamein.
  • Advanced

    In February 1944 Admiral Nimitz’s forces advanced more than 2,000 miles
  • Campaign

    December 1944 William Slim's 14th army started a campaign to get Japanese out of Burma
  • D-day

    D- day begins on june 6th 1944
  • War Forced on Germany

    soviet Union fores Romania to start a war with Germany
  • Almost Christmas

    The conquest of Leyte ended about Christmas day
  • Automic Bomb

    President Truman used the atomic bomb on Japan
  • Soviets Attacked Berlin

    on April 21 soviets attacks Berlin
  • Hitler is Dead

    Hitler is Dead
    april 30 Hitler "commited suicide"
  • War is Finally Over

    War is Finally Over
    September 2 1945 the war ends