
By mikio
  • Commodore Perry

    Commodore Perry arrices in Japan and forces Japan to open its ports
  • Unequal treaties

    US and Japan sign the Treaty of Kanagawa, Japan must open five ports to american trade. Americans can live in port cities, but did not obey Japanese laws. Paid very small tax on imported items; "flooded" Japan with cheap products.
  • Meiji Restoration

    Emperor Meiji restored as supreme ruler of Japan. Japan begins modernization - new army, sent people to study in foregn countries, deceloped technology (trains, ships, telegraphs.
  • Meiji Constitution

    Meiji Constitution
    Emperor restored to most powerful. State Shinto religion. New land laws. People elected a Congress(diet)
  • Sino Japanese war

    Sino Japanese war
    Liaotung Pennisula (Port Arthour) and Taiwan
  • Russo Japanese War (more of manchuria)

  • Pearl Harbor

  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Stalemate; Japan and US both lose one aircraft carrier.
  • Battle of Midway

    Americans intercept Japanese coded message
    Americans ambush Japanese Navy, Americans defeat "cream" of Japanese Navy (their best pilots"
    Turning point of the war
  • Battle of Guadalcanal (solomon islands

    thousands of lives lost on both sides;indicator of number of American/Japanese lives that would be lost in the war.
  • Hiroshima Bomb

    Hiroshima Bomb