worldwar1 Cassidy

  • Francis Ferdinand assassinated

    Francis Ferdinand assassinated
    Francis Ferdinand was the Archduke of Austria. He was killed by Gavrilo Princip. Ferdinand was on his way out of the city because of a failed attempted to kill him and his wife. This event was the start of the whole war if Austria had not sent Francis Ferdinand to Serbia there is speculation that WW1 might have never happened.
  • Period: to

    World War One

  • Austria declared war on Serbia

    Austria declared war on Serbia
    Austria declares war on Serbia because they blamed the government on the assassination. This was the real start on the war because both of the countries had multiple alliances.
  • Germany declared war on Russia

    Germany declared war on Russia
    Russia was alliances with France and was pulled into WW1 when Germany declared war on France. This was just another country that was brought into the war further created a world war.
  • Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium.

    Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium.
    When Germany declared war on France they sent all their troops into Belgium to implement the Schlieffen Plan. Belgium was a Neutral state. Britain demanded that Germany withdrawal troops from Belgium. This event brought Britain and Belgium into WW1.
  • Britain declared war on Germany

    Britain declared war on Germany
    When Germany did not withdrwal from war with Belgium Britian Declared war on Germany. This affected thewar because Britian was a large world power and helped the Allies win the war.
  • Germany invaded France.

    Germany invaded France.
    When the Germans tried to invade France, Belgium destroyed railway lines to slow the German transportation of supplies. This dilemma made it harder for Germany to fight France with a lack of supplies. This was the beginning of the weakening of the German army.
  • Battle of the Marne started

    Battle of the Marne started
    The First battle of the Marne was the First World War ever fought. The allies left the battle with a victory. This battle was one of the most important events in the whole world war. It caused Germany to face a war on two fronts.
  • First trenches of the western front were built

    First trenches of the western front were built
    The first trenches were built was a large impact because trench warfare was the main form of fighting in WW1.
  • Turkey entered the war on Germany’s side

    Turkey entered the war on Germany’s side
    Turkey joined thye central powers. THey helped a german naval bombard russia. Trench warfare started to dominate the Western Front. This was help to the central powers as they built up alliances.
  • The Lusitania was sunk

    The Lusitania was sunk
    The Lusitania was an U.S. ship that was sunk by the German’s unrestricted submarine warfare tactic. The Lusitania was a British ship with many American passengers aboard. This was one of the many reasons the U.S. decided to join the war.
  • Italy declared war on Germany and Austria

    Italy declared war on Germany and Austria
    Italy entered the war on the Allies side. Italy began the war part as the triple alliance with Germany and Austria. But Italy changed their mind leaving Germany and Austria by themselves. This effect the war because it built up the allies team.
  • British Army first used tanks

    British Army first used tanks
    This was groundbreaking because it is the use of future weapons, even though the first tanks weren’t very useful. These future weapons did not mix well with previous military tactics which caused the increase of deaths in battle.
  • Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare campaign started

    Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare campaign started
    The Germans began unrestricted submarine warfare which was they could sink any ship without warning. They sank three American ships. This was the beginning of the U.S.'s involvement in the war.
  • USA declared war on Germany

    USA declared war on Germany
    After the British intercepted the Zimmerman note they sent it to the U.S. After the U.S. receives the note, the U.S. then decides to join the war on the allies’ side. This is one of the main turning points toward the end of the war because after the U.S. joins Germany begins to decline because the allies are stronger.
  • First American troops land in France

    First American troops land in France
    This is the start of the Allies advancement because of the backup that the U.S. sent.
  • Armistice between Germany and Russia signed

    Armistice between Germany and Russia signed
    Russia withdraws from the war because the government was at the brink of collapsing. They had shortages on food and fuel and Czar abdicated his throne. This helped Germany because they were left only fighting war on one front.
  • US President Wilson reveals “Fourteen Points” for peace

    US President Wilson reveals “Fourteen Points” for peace
    Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points were points he made, that he believed would achieve world peace. He presented these to the treaty of Versailles a few months later.
  • Second Battle of the Marne started

    Second Battle of the Marne started
    The start of the collapse of the German army. This battle was the real ending point for Germany. The turning point for the western front.
  • Second Battle of the Marne Ends

    Second Battle of the Marne Ends
    The Allies had taken 29,367 prisoners, 793 guns and 3,000 machine guns and inflicted 168,000 casualties on the Germans. Germans loss marked the first loss after many wins which began the beginning of the Allie Victories.
  • Germany asked the Allies for an armistice

    Germany asked the Allies for an armistice
    Germany asked the Allies for an armistice based on Woodrow Wilson's 'Fourteen Points'. They sent a telegram asking for an armistice.
  • Turkey made peace

    Turkey made peace
    Turkeyt decided to make peace with the Allies. This is a example of countrys leaving Germany alone.
  • Austria made peace

    Austria made peace
    Austria decides to leave the central powers and to make peace with the rest of Europe.
  • Kaiser William II abdicated

    Kaiser William II abdicated
    Shortages spun out of control, and revolution was spreading to Berlin all throughout Germany. William was abdicated from the throne which added to Germans decline.
  • Germany signed an armistice with the Allies

    Germany signed an armistice with the Allies
    This was an agreement to end the fighting between the allies and Germany. This marked the victory for the Allies and defeat for Germany, although not exactly a surrender.
  • The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Germans.

    The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Germans.
    The Treaty of Versailles was the unofficial end of World War One. The Treaty of Versailles was an attempt at World Peace. The Treaty had German accept responsibility for causing the war. As well as having Germany pays for the total cost of the war.