world wars ll comes to europe

  • japan attacks manchuria

    japan attacks manchuria
    Japan attacked Manchuria within a few days japan wins.
  • germany and japan leave league of nations

    The japanese withdrawed from the league of nations. Blaming Japan for the invasion of Manchuria.
  • Us neutrality act

    Us neutrality act
    Although the legislation stated that the U.S. intended to stay out of foreign wars, Roosevelt insisted that the country could not overlook future situations in which the U.S. might have to get involved.
  • japan attacks china

    Japanese declares war on china.
  • germany takes austria

    Hitler wanted to be in control but Austria wanted to agree on a deal.
  • munich peace conference

    British and French prime ministers Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier sign the Munich Pact with Hitler. The agreement explained the outbreak of war but gave Czechoslovakia away to German conquest.
  • Germany takes Czechoslovakia

    Germany takes Czechoslovakia
    Hitlers forces invaded and took over czchoslovakia.
  • non-aggression pact

    non-aggression pact
    enemies Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union surprised the world by signing the German-Soviet
  • germany invades poland

    Bombs poland on land from air.
  • france falls to the germans

    france falls to the germans
    Frances gives in after germany threats.
  • Bsttle of britain

    Bsttle of britain
    the defense of united kingdom by the royal airforce.