Germany invades Poland
The invasion of Poland sets off war in Europe. The Soviet Union also invaded Poland and other Baltic nations. Great Britian and France were forced to declare war on Germany because of their alliances. -
Germany Invades Paris
Germany invades France and takes Paris creating fear in the neighboring european countries. During this Germany occupation food and clothing was rationed and many Parisians left for the country. Also there was only german propoganda in the radio as the Germans blocked out all stations from other countries. -
Germany bombs London
Germany bombs London and the Battle of Britian begins on september 15, 1940. During the raids thousands of civilians lost their lives and were injured and even more had their homes completly obliterated. But london recovered and the Germans were defeated after a battle with the royal air force. -
U.S gives Britian war supplies
The United States gives Britian war supplies and old naval warships in return for military bases in Bermuda and the Caribbean. this broke the U.S policy for isolation. The U.S policy forbade most foriegn interaction as the U.S wanted to focus on more domestic issues. -
Operation Barbarossa
Operation Barbarossa was the code word for Nazi Germany's invasion of the soviet union. The Nazi's idea wass to use the Slav's as slave labor to power their war. The invasion still occurred even after the two countries had made pacts but the operation failed after the soviet unoin managed to push back and declared war on Germany. -
The bombing of Pearl Harbor
Japan bombs the U.S Pearl Harbor and destroys most of the Pacific fleet propelling the U.S into world war II. This event created the second theatre of war the war in the Pacific. Before americans did not want to enter WWII and claimed it as a European war but after the attack most americans supported the idea of going to war. -
Germany Declares war on the U.S
Soon after the bombing of Pearl Harbor Germany declares war on the U.S. So the U.S declares war on Germany and Japan with the full support of the american people. This event brought the U.S into the war in Europe and was one they had prepared for. -
The Battle of Midway
The U.S defeats the Japanese Naval fleet in the Battle of Midway. This victory was the turning point in the war in the Pacific. The Japanese Naval fleet lost 4 aircraft carriers and hundreds of fighter planes and never recovered. The loss of the aircraft carriers was so monumentous because it was new technology and carried planes across the ocean to battle. -
The battle of Stalingrad
Germany invades the Soviet Unoin and occupies it but is defeated at Stalingrad. This marks the turning point of the war in Eastern Europe. The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Unoin is foiled at the battle of Stalingrad as the Soviets push back. -
American and other allied troops landed in Normandy, France to begin the liberation of western Europe. The code name for this operation was D-day. It was formed to push back on the German offensive. -
Liberation of the concentration camps
Soviet Union soldiers were the fist to liberate the haunting and inhumane concentration camps. They were set up by the Nazi's to enslave and kill the Jews in all of their conquered territory. The first camp to be liberated was the Majdanek camp in Poland on this date. -
Atomic bombs dropped
The United States dropped two new atomic bombs and the Japanese caties of Hiroshima and Nagasaki claiming thousands of innocent lives. The U.S did this to avoid a full scale invasion of Japan and the loss of more american lives. Japan surrendered soon after this ending the war in the Pacific. August 6th and...