World War two timeline project mikey mueller

  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades Manchuria. They took over the city and killed thousands.
  • Holocuast

    Nazies plan to put thousands of jew in concentration camps killing them. Conditions were horable and hunger was bad.
  • Munich Conference

    Allowed Germany to take over Checkoslovokia, america let them do it in hope they will leave everyone else alone.
  • Non_Aggression Pact

    Treaty to avoid war. Hoping it would prevent any posibilitis of another world war.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Hitler comands Germany to Invade Poland. This was the start of the war.
  • Blitzkrieg

    A bombing tactic which germany used first on cities in london by bombing them and then invading them.
  • Battle of Britain

    Air campaign by Germany. Largest bombing campin to date and was stictly airborne. thousands of lives were lost.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    A program in which the us supplied great britian France and China, and later the USSR.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Code name for germanys invasion of U.S.S.R. Million invaded.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japaniese attact on a navel base in Hawiii. American ships were lined up for a easy target. Over 2000 americans died.
  • Wannesee Conference

    Meeting of Nazi officials held in Berlin, Decided that the jews were inferior and decided to kill them.
  • Baiaan Death March.

    75000 american troops marched 65 miles with japanise guarda to cocentration camps
  • Battle of Midway

    One of the most important naval battles of world war 2. Japanise tried attacking americans in the pacific but he americans defeated them.
  • Battle of Stailingrad

    Major battle in which nazies fought allied powers in Stailingrad, the city fell.
  • D-Day

    Thousands of allied powers dided on the beach as they got mowed down by machine guns.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Major Garman offencive launced threw dence woods to Belgium.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Major battle to capture a japanese island and was very bloody.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Us tried attacked a large island outside of Japan after a long campainge of island hopping, This was to provide a statigic airfield for the U.S.
  • V-E Day

    Victorie in Euope day, the nazi's surrenderd to the aillied forces. THis was done after Hittler Commited suicide.
  • The Bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki

    The U.S. bombed the japanise cities of Hiroshima and Nagasakie with 2 huge nukes forcing japan to surennder.
  • V-J Day

  • Warsaw pact

    A collective devince treaty that concided of an alience of 8 cominist states.