world war two timeline

  • Pearl Harbor

    -Japan attacked the U.S.
    -Japan wanted to extend their empire throughout the pacific.
    Japan was mad because the U.S. placed a trade embargo on Japan so they retaliated.
    -Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor
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    Batle of the Atlantic

    -German U-boats were sinking unprotected Allies' ships.
    -Allies started protecting them using convoys and a sonar system that would detect the U-boats.
    By mid 1943 the Allies had the upper hand.
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    Battle of the Coral Sea

    -In May Australia and America stopped Japan from invading.
    -Japan won the battle but the Allies were able to keep them from further invading.
    -America started using Island hopping as a technique to weaken Japan.
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    Battle of Midway

    -The Japanese code was intercepted.
    -U.S. launched a surprise attack on Japan on the pacific island called Midway.
    -U.S won the battle.
    -Japan lost 4,800 men to the U.S.'s 307.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    -Germany violated their peace pact with Soviets and attacked.
    -Hitler hoped to capture oil.
    -Germans were winning until winter of 1943 which was too harsh for the Germans.
    Turning point in war because Soviets started moving westward after the battle.
  • Normandy Invasion (D-Day)

    -Soviet Union pushing Poland and Allies pushing north Into Italy.
    -150,000 allied troops invaded.
    -Omaha beach known as one of the most brutal areas.
    -Allies were trying to invade the Axis powers and Nazi occupied Europe.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    -Germany and U.S. fought in Belgium.
    -Germany was trying to capture Antwerp.
    -It was very brutal
  • Truman in Office

    -Truman was the 33rd President of the United States. He served until 1953.
    - He was also a WWI veteran. He was the President at the beginning of the Cold War.
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    U.S. occupation of Japan

    -Similar trials held for Japanese war criminals.
    -7 out of 28 leaders were found guilty and sentenced to death.
    -U.S. occupied Japan for 6 years under the direction of General Douglas MacArthur.
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    Yalta Conference

    -Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill met in Yalta.
    -They met to discuss post WWII.
    -They set up the United Nations
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    Iwo Jima

    -Iwo Jima was an island on the Pacific that was critical for U.S. win.
    - The U.S. won.
    -26,800 Japanese troops died to 6,000 U.S. marines.
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    Battle of Okinawa

    -U.S. vs Japan
    -Japan used 1,900 Kamikaze attacks. It was the Japan's last defensive stronghold.
    -It took place on an island in the pacific called Okinawa.
    -U.S.'s final push to Japan.
    -U.S. won
  • The passing of F.D.R.

    -Roosevelt served a record 3 terms (12 years) in office.
    -The great depression and WWII had taken it's toll on him and he passed away silently.
    Taking his place was the Vice-President at the time Harry S. Truman.
  • The end of Hitler

    -Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide.
    -Hitler shot himself and Eva used cyanide.
  • V-E Day

    • General Eisenhower accepted a surrender from the Nazi Government. -1st part of war was over.
  • Period: to


    -Leaders met in Potsdam, Germany.
    -Drew up a blueprint to disarm Germany and eliminate Nazi regime.
    -They separated Germany into four sections occupied by France, U.S., Britain and Soviet Union.
  • Hiroshima

    -Quote from little boy "In 43 seconds the city collapsed to dust.
    - 66,000 died because of Hiroshima.
  • Nagasaki

    -Quote from a man "It leveled the city."
    -119,000 died because of Nagasaki.
  • V-J Day

    -On August 15th 1945 Japan offers unconditional surrender.
    -On September 2 1945 is V-J Day (Victory in Japan Day).
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    The Nuremburg Trials

    -International tribunal court tried Nazi officials.
    -Over 23 nations tried Nazi war criminals in Nuremberg, Germany.
    -12 of the 22 defendants were sentenced to death.
    -200 other officials were found guilty, but given lesser sentences.