World War Two Events

By TA22
  • Adolf Hitler Taking Power

    Adolf Hitler Taking Power
    Nazi power had became the most powerful party in Germany. They were used as military and protection for Hitler. From there in 1933 Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany. In that same year he persuades Germany's president Von Hindenburg to suspend the German civil rights. Hitler continues to slowly rule Germany by having member swear to him, and becomes Fuhrer. This is important because from here Hitlernslowly starts to take land and causes the World War Two to outbreak between countries.
  • Germany Taking Power Over Countries

    Germany Taking Power Over Countries
    Germany first takes control of Austria in March. From there, they take over Czechoslovakia in September but only the Southern part. It was fully taken in February. Poland was taken in September and Denmark and Norway in 1940. In the following weeks, Belgium/Norway, and Paris on June 14th. This is important because Germany was now making other countries mad. This is getting countries closer to starting war with Germany.
  • Munich Pact and Declaring of War

    Munich Pact and Declaring of War
    In September 1938, before Hitler took over a majority of Europe, Britain, France, Hitler, and Franklin D Roosevelt made a Munich Pact that Hitler would not take the rest of Czechoslovakia and or anywhere else but due to lying on September 4th, 1939 Britain and France declare war. This lead the US to step in without actually going to war and it helped Britain. This also does not put much of a threat to our homeland but it kept everyone on the watch incase anything had to be done or to help them.
  • Selective Training and Service Act

    Selective Training and Service Act
    It was the first peacetime draft in American History. Requires all males 18-35 and later ages changed to up to 65 and then 45 so they be drafted for war. It was a training for twelve plus months. This was showing that more people needed to be fully trained and ready for war because Germany was using and taking so much power and affecting everyone and everything. Many needed drafted because the war caused many to loose their lives.This put many in harms way and with training they were scared.
  • Lend-Lease Bill

    Lend-Lease Bill
    USA started to lend military equipment to Britain military so we can stay out of war. Over $50 billion went to Britain under this bill. Germany responded by sinking American and British supply ships in the Atlantic known as the Greer Incident. They also sank American ships USS Kearny, Ruben, James and we did not go to war. On June 1941, Germany launched attack on Soviet Union and we extended help but it eased the war with British. US was beginning to actually step in and help those in war.
  • D-Day

    On Normandy France, Omaha Beach also on Gold, Juno,
    Sword, Utah, Omaha. 175,000 allied forces came ashore and almost 4,000 killed and wounded. This began the end of Germany's control of France. This was a bigger battle that began to slow German power and pushing them back. This also made Germany nervous and upset for Hitler was loosing what he had once gained and falling apart now, which would not thrill Hitler.This also showed a large number of deaths in war and so many needed drafted again.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    This war has lasted into January 25th, 1945. It was Hitler's final offensive battle and was at Ardennes Forest in Belgium. Germany wanted the Americans and British forces to split to capture and surrounded the remaining armies and to have a surrender treaty with the Allies to focus eastern Front. This major battle took out 8,000 tanks. Planes were used which Germany feared. There was poor weather which decreased preparations. 500,000 Americans were drafted. Then, British and Germans fought.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    20 armies, 6,300 tanks, and 8,500 aircraft Soviets wanted to attack Hitler's chancellor. Young boys were forced into military. Every ration was limited and messed up. Families were hiding and trying not to be caught by SS. Houses were in ruins and many were imprisoned or dead. It was given to the Red Army. Every participant in battle had to risk their life because this was an all out war to push German back. Children were even used and many had to hide with fear caused this to be long and hard.
  • Germany and Japan surrender

    Germany and Japan surrender
    Germany unconditionally surrendered after Battle of Berlin. Japan gives up after the bombings on August 15th 1945. It was out to all over the word that Japan had lost and America had one. This is also when they officially had signed to end war. Soviets, Poland, and Czechoslovakia had apposed to sign the treaty. On April, 28th 1952, US officially ends war with Japan and ended US occupation there. It finally ended all battles and wars and now everything could be restored for all countries.
  • Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Enola Gay Plane headed over Hiroshima to take out a target of 43,000 soldiers. Many were chard or wounded and 10% of buildings had no damage. 4.5% suffered with leg injuries and were engulfed 70,000 died instantly and 200,000 total were found with the effects of cancer. Nagasaki Fat Man was dropped and was to drop at a war industry but was dropped in a stadium 14,000 houses destroyed. 12% no damage. 60,000 injured, 70,000 died. This was just after major battles and costed even more lives lost.