World War Two by Brook

  • Japanese and Chinese War

    Japanese and Chinese War
    Japan attacks china starting a war. Japan attacks China to take over and gain resources. The occupied manchuria with cruelty.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Manhattan Project

    Manhattan Project
    The manhattan project was a plan to create a bomb that would save lives, experiment it and demonstrate it to Russia. The atomic bomb was first shown to president Roosevelt by Albert Einstein. The project couldn’t be tested but used on the Japanese.
  • Auschwitz Concentration Camp

    Auschwitz Concentration Camp
    Concentration in poland that killed an estimated 1.1 million people. This camp was the most famous and largest in history. They took jews, gypsy and any other undesirables in the camp.
  • Japan joins the Axis powers

    Japan joins the Axis powers
    Japan, Italy and Germany makes a truce forming the Axis powers. After Japan and China go to war they signed the Tripartite Pact. Officially the Axis powers are assembled.
  • Navajo code talkers

    Navajo code talkers
    Navajo code talkers were messengers in the war that had an unbreakable code. Japan couldn’t break their code because they studied most native american languages except Navajo. The code talkers were extremely helpful on winning the war.
  • Executive order 9066

    Executive order 9066
    FDR declared that the Japanese in the United States had to be moved to a camp where they can be watched. This was discrimination to the Japanese people that were born in America. Many of their homes and belonging were taken till the end of the war. Korematsu was a Japanese American that fought against the using the rights of the constitution but he was put in the camp.
  • Germany invades Russia

    Germany invades Russia
    Germany invades Russia having their soldier freezing by its weather. The generals asked Hitler to give their soldiers coats but he didn’t. He had an obsession over Russia and take over it.
  • Tuskegee airmen

    Tuskegee airmen
    They were the first all african american group that flew the airplanes. They were successful and had a record that is not beaten. They Were an experiment to see if black men could fly the planes.
  • Pearl Harbor Attacked

    Pearl Harbor Attacked
    The Japanese attacked pearl harbor destroying boats and airplanes. This is when America gets into WW2. Franklin D Roosevelt asked to claim war on Japan making a famous speech of the day. Making United states against Germany and Italy.
  • Japan attacks the Philippines

    Japan attacks the Philippines
    Japan invaded the Philippines ten hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The Filipinos tried to resist but soon gotten taken over by the Japanese. Many American were injured on Pearl Harbor so the forces couldn’t defend the Philippines.
  • Rosie the Riveter

    Rosie the Riveter
    Rosie was a propaganda technique to get women work in factories and still be ladylike. They encouraged the to help make weapons of war to protect their boyfriends and husband at war.Rosie made woman join the workforce increasing women's rights in the government. After the war many didn’t want to leave their job but the government put pictures of women cleaning and doing house work.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    The death march was when the prisoners of wars and Filipinos marched sixty to eighty miles non stop or they will die. The Japanese found that it was great shame to a Prisoner of War so they were mean to them.If they slowed down or was in the back they would often beat or batoon them to death.Ten to Thirteen thousand died on the march.
  • Battle at Midway

    Battle at Midway
    The battle of midway was the turning point of the war. It was a big ambush taking down the Japanese naval power. It took down four aircraft ships, hundred-twenty two planes and more than five thousand died.
  • Warsaw Ghetto

    Warsaw Ghetto
    The Jewish community had the biggest Jewish resistance known. The armed rebellion took on German troops lasting for days before getting controlled. The Germans didn’t expect the rebellion.
  • D-Day

    Operation overlord was an invasion to Normandy and it became the largest sea, land and air attack in history. The Allies won the Normandy beaches to make base in Europe. This was when German was going to be beaten.
  • First kamikaze attack

    First kamikaze attack
    The first Kamikaze attack was when a soldier tried to blow up a ship alone but was shot down. The Japanese propaganda though made it seem like he took down the whole ship making America face a new threat Kamikaze Pilots.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Conference had Franklin Roosevelt,Church Winsteel and Stalin. The agreed on splitting germany after the war when they win. The decided to invite France another world leading country. The Promised to make the land Democratic but Stalin broke his promise.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    Iwo Jima was a small island but one of the bloodiest battle in the war. Two hundred thousand had died on the island because of suicides.
  • Okinawa

    Okinawa was another dangerous battle that wiped out almost the whole island.The Japanese died and just like Iwo Jima they had suicided.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Germany was finally defeated and the countries celebrated their in. Churchill reminded the people of Britain that there is still a threat which is Japan.
  • Potsdam declaration

    Potsdam declaration
    The Declaration was to tell Japan that they wouldn’t win and that they should surrender now that it was inevitable to keep going on. The declaration said that they will defeat Japan and they listen to their request of surrender.
  • Atomic bombs dropped

    Atomic bombs dropped
    America Dropped the atomic bomb on Japan hopping they would surrender. It was meant to destroy military targets but the bomb took many lives.After the bomb the people were poisoned by radiation.
  • Axis Powers surrender

    Axis Powers surrender
    The Axis surrender ending the World War. The Allies won the war and try to reform what was lost. The World War Two ended.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    The tried the leaders that committed war crimes in Germany. The people who were in charge of camps and the murder of millions of Jews were put to death.