World War Two

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor Of Germany

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor Of Germany
    Hitler becomes Chancellor. On 30 January 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. The supposed one thousand year Reich had started. But it would be another nineteen months before Hitler achieved absolute power.
  • Kristallnacht

    On November 9 to November 10, 1938, in an incident known as “Kristallnacht”, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses and killed close to 100 Jews. In the aftermath of Kristallnacht, also called the “Night of Broken Glass,” some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps.
  • Germany Invades Polland

    Germany Invades Polland
    The Invasion of Poland in 1939 marked the start of World War II. It was led by the Nazis, a small group of Slovaks, and the Soviet Union. The invasion from Germany started on September 1, 1939 following the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, while the invasion from the Soviet Union started slightly later on September 17th. The campaign was short lived and ended on October 6, 1939 with the division of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union source
  • France Surrenders To Germany

    France Surrenders To Germany
    France Surrenders to Nazi Germany. During this period, Hitler built up his forces on Germany's western frontier. In April 1940, German forces invaded Denmark and Norway. In May 1940, Hitler's forces attacked France, conquering the Luxembourg, Netherlands and Belgium in the process. France surrendered on 22 June 1940.
  • Franklin Roosevelt program

    Franklin Roosevelt program
    the purpose of the Franklin Roosevelt program was to authorize the president to transfer arms or any other defence materials for which congress aprovided money to the government for any country with vital defence to the president in united states
  • Attack On Pearl Harbor

    Attack On Pearl Harbor
    The Attack of pearl Harbor was an attack that people didn't know it was coming The Japannese Attacked the United States this attack lasted for about 110 minutes. This also caused The United States get Into World War 2 this was a big part of World War Two.
  • D-Day

    D-Day is A Celebration of the allies because they had won a war named Normandy and this was a victory for the allies.
  • Auschwitz Liberated

    Auschwitz Liberated
    Auschwitz was the largest of the Nazi Concernation And Death camps. he also served as detention centers for all political prisoners.
  • Bombing Of Hiroshima

    Bombing Of Hiroshima
    On August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb is dropped from an American plane on the 245,000 residents of Hiroshima, Japan. Most of the city is destroyed and thousands of its inhabitants die. Some of its citizens survive and suffer the debilitating effects of terrible burns and radiation illness. source