German cavalry

World War Two

By shaber1
  • Mao Zedong heads long march

    Mao Zedong heads long march
    The communists in China were forced to go on a long march to escape to Kuomintang or Nationalist party in China. They fled, marching 6,00 miles across China. Mao Zedong said that he was "swimming in the peseant sea," as if he was actually marching with all of his folowers, while he was actually flying above in a plane and making appearences in villages,
  • Britain decclare war on Germany

    Britain decclare war on Germany
    Adolf Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with Joseh Stalin, and in a secret part of it included that they would spliyt the territory of Poland once Germany siezed it's control. Soon after, Hitler surprise attacked Poland. Two days later, on September third, Britain and France declared war on Germany, but Poland fell before they could make a mlitary response.
  • Japan attacks pearl harbor

    Japan attacks pearl harbor
    Pearl Harbor was an intragrual naval base in Hawaii. The Japanese surprise attacked it, sp that they could take over other islands in the pacific by crippling the US fleet, More than 2,300 americans were killed and 1,100 wounded due to the attack.
  • Germany surrendors

    Germany surrendors
    After the Battle of the Bulge, the war in Europe began to come to an end. Roosevelt did not live to see the end of the war, but general Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Riech in Germany, also know as V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day).
  • United Nations formed

    United Nations formed
    The United Nations (UN) is an organization intending to prtect its members against aggression. It is based in New York, and is a peaekeeping organization. Each member of the UN can cast a vote on a variety of different issues. There was an eleven member body called the Security Council, which had the most power to investigate disputes, It's five permanent members, Britain China France and the US, could veto any security council actions.
  • Allies drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Allies drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    President Truman warned the Japanese that if the =y did not surrender they could exect a "rain of ruin from the air," but the Japanese never replied. On August 6th of 1945, they dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, killing between 70 and 80 thousand people. The japanese still didn''t surrender, so three days later the use dropped abother atomic bomb on Nakasaki, killing another 70,000 people. Even more people died later from the radiation. After the second atomic bombing, the Japanese surred