Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the German Worker's Party. This party was also known by the Nazi party. Many German soldiers fought to end the jewish people. -
Hitler gained power by constitutional means -
Chamberlain's refusal
18 March 1939,
Stalin ask for coalition against Hitler, Chamberlain refused, maybe Neville was right? -
beginning of the war
The Germans invaded Poland, it was the second war in 27 years. No more than 56 countries were at war. -
Causes for WW2
When Germany invaded Poland most of the Europeon nations went against Germany. This led up to the war. -
The war in the east
The war in the east began with the attack of the soviet union -
Cause for the world for the U.S
The cause for the United States that made them enter the war was when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor -
Axis forces ( intresting facts)
Axis forces are completed defeat in North Africa. Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel fled to Germany. -
Axis and Allied powers
The battle of Monte Cassino raged from January 17-18.But eventually that ended when the german's invaded -
Allied forces
Each country had a different oppinion. Some believed in taking out the jewish race. Some disagreed. The Allied forces definetly disagreed. The following countries were known as the allied forces: Great Britian, France, Russia , and soon the U.S. But for other countries, the reason for their fight was because their countries were being offended -
Axis Powers
The people that agreed with Germany were known as the axis power. They fought to keep their judgement from Hitler standin. The following countries fought the Allied forces: Germany, Italy, anad Japan