Images (5)

World War One Henry McNutt

  • Archduke Assassination

    Archduke Assassination
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo. Archduke Franz Ferdinand's death is the event that sparks World War I. Gavrilo Princip was responsible for the assassination of Archduke.His Assassination sparked a lot of events that lead to WW1. Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were killed oh june 28, 1914.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    A German submarine sank the Lusitania.The ship carried 128 Americans out of the 1198 people.This is the event that lead to the United states joining the war. Some people wanted the united states to stay out of the war. We could not let this one go, this was when we had to step in.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    This was a telegram that the germans sent to mexico. They were trying to get mexico to join them and if they did they were going to get mexico's land back from the u.s. for them.Mexico turned down the offer.This really angered the United States and made the really want to join the war. They later joined the war because of this.
  • Postcard To Myrtle From Henry McNutt

    Postcard To Myrtle From Henry McNutt
    There is a picture of a dog with a bandana around its Stomach.It also has a med symbol on a barrow that is in its mouth. Im guessing he was a round the nurses a lot. He sent a lot of postcards.There is also a house in the background.
  • United States Enters The War

    United States Enters The War
    congress authorizes a declaration of war against germany. The United States was on Britain and France's side. Germany has pushed them to there limit. The united states is now a world power. We enter the war.
  • Postcard To Myrtle

    Postcard To Myrtle
    There is a picture of a fountain. Also there are horses. There is a lady on one of the horses. It's all in the middle of the fountain. They are sculptures.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    Congress passes an act allowing the draft.They Had to do this so they could get more Soldiers for the war. They had no other option for soldiers. This was actually very useful. The United state no longer uses the draft for wars.
  • Postcard To Myrtle

    Postcard To Myrtle
    There is a postcard showing a pic of a guy holding something. There is also a guy telling him what to do. He also has someone following him. They all look very angry. They look like they are very serious on what they are doing.
  • Postcard to Myrtle

    Postcard to Myrtle
    There is another postcard."Won't you drop a line too" There are a lot of quotes on the postcard." A poor lonely soul in" There is a angry guy in the window. there is also a big flag in the front. Its kinda plain.
  • Germany And Russia Peace

    Germany And Russia Peace
    Germany Signed a peace treaty with Russia. They had what they thought was a good plan. This caused serious problems with France.This was one of the major events that put fear into some people's eyes. Now our allies need us.
  • Sent Frae A Freen

    Sent Frae A Freen
    This is another postcard he sent out. He sent a lot of postcards.This one is very detailed and actually looks pretty cool.There is a lot of cool colors in it as well as it is one of those ones that really makes you think. It also has a giant waterfall in it.
  • Battle of Cantigny

    Battle of Cantigny
    The Battle of Cantigny was the first major American offensive of the war. The americans fought very bravely and strong . They later go after bigger attacks on germany. The americans are now a feared world power. This was the first attack.
  • Battle Of Belleau Wood

    Battle Of Belleau Wood
    The United States marine corps attacks Germany. This was fought in a big open field. They suffered huge casualties.This was one of many battles. The United States did really good.
  • Battle Of St. Mihiel

    Battle Of St. Mihiel
    There were 300,000 american troops.The commander was General Pershing.They got themselves to the front line.They fought many wars. This war was on September 12, 1918.
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    An Armistice is an agreement to come to peace for a short amount of time.This was on the western front.This was not permanent. This was only for a day it helped the soldiers out a lot. Armistice day is now known as veterans day.