
World War One

By lover23
  • Allies v Central power

    Allies v Central power
    Entente alliance were the Central Powers, another alliance of great powers: Austria-Hungary and Germany. military alliance - driven by a variety of inter-related treaties - of France, Great Britain and Russia
  • Cause of ww1

    Cause of ww1
    MIlitarism the development of armed forces and their use as tools or diplomacy germany and britain compete to have the best military
    Alliance system a formal agreement or union between naions,i got your back i got yours
    Imperialism extending economic and political control pver weaker nations
    Nationalism devotion to the interest and culture of one nation,lead to competition, russia vs. Austria, Hunary,fight over serbia
  • Assassination of Franz

    Assassination of Franz
    his death was to declear was on serbia a serbia terroist called the black hand
  • Americans join the fight

    Americans join the fight
    world war one
    President Woodrow Wilson issued a declaration of neutrality
  • Trench warfar

    Trench warfar
  • Lusitanis


    the germans were to blame.
  • election of 1916

    election of 1916
    Wilson's progressive policies appealed to working men, and this was probably the main factor in his rre-election. so he won
  • great migration

    great migration
    migration african americans moved to the urban north because they liked chicago better.
  • new weapons

    new weapons
    there were observation balloons, that helped looked for ememies that were going to fire, machine guns helped killed people better, flamethrowers,poison gas and gas masks tanks and planes, these all helped the war and gave each team an advantage to kill one another.
  • espionage and sedition act

    espionage and sedition act
    the act of obtaining and to protect the united states
  • Woman's role

    Woman's role
    woman's role were nurses,teaching and mainly of demestic labor
  • CPI

    George Creel was the leader and was a former Muckraker.
    CPI-Communittee on public information.
  • Big 4

    president willson, prime minister of lloyd George of Great Britain, prime minister Georges Clemenceau of France, and prime minister Vittorio Orlando of Italy
  • Zimmerman 's note

    Zimmerman 's note
    the germans declared war on the US then theywent to Mexicao and Japan to join them, and Mexico wants to acquire land in America
  • Selective Service Act

    24 million signed up to b apart of the war, only 3 million got drafted,
  • WIB

    War Industries Board
  • 14 pts

    1) open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, with diplomacy conducted in public view
    2) freedom of navigation of the seas in peace and in war
    3) free trade between nations
    4) reduction of national armaments to the lowest point possible
    5) impartial adjustment of all colonial claims, based on the principle that subject populations should have an equal voice with the claims of the colonial governments
    6) evacuation of Russian ter
  • Fighting begins

  • armistice

  • league of nations

    fourteen points to insure war never broke out again,woodrow wilson
  • Schench v United States

    schenck v US you can say whatever you want for the freedom of speech but ca get punished for something that you shouldnt say like, yelling fire in a movie theater people will believe it and go crazy
  • Final Statistics

    Final Statistics
    statistics 196.5 billion was spent on ww1.
    11,016,000 died from ww1
  • British Blockade

    stop all ships form carrying war supplies, there was 750,000 germans starving
  • Treaty of Versailes

    no more secret treaties
    countries must seek to reduce their weapons and their armed forces
    national self-determination should allow people of the same nationality to govern themselves and one nationality should not have the power to govern another
    all countries should belong to the League of Nations.
    it ended ww2