WORLD WAR ll Timeline

By FPM629
  • Germany invades Poland 🇩🇪➡️🇵🇱

    Germany invades Poland 🇩🇪➡️🇵🇱
    Hitler invaded Poland because he wanted more territory. This was caused because of the failure of appeasement when Great Britain tried to give Czechoslovakia to calm Hitler and the nazis. This made the start of the World War II
  • Fall of France 🇩🇪➡️🇫🇷

    Fall of France 🇩🇪➡️🇫🇷
    Germany attacked France through the Ardennes Forest. Germany attacked with blitzkrieg. France’s plan was to make a line of defense that covered the borders. The borders with Germany were more reinforced so Germany attacked from Belgium and Luxembourg.
  • Battle of Britain 🇩🇪🆚🇬🇧

    Battle of Britain 🇩🇪🆚🇬🇧
    Germany attacked Britain with their air force and lost even though they had more aircrafts. British people hid in the subway. When Britain successfully defended the German air strike it boosted Britain’s morale.
  • Operation Barbarossa 🇩🇪➡️🇷🇺

    Operation Barbarossa 🇩🇪➡️🇷🇺
    Germany attacked the USSR even though they were their ally. They started winning but the cold quickly backfired. Since the USSR had burned everything, the German’s had no resources and most soldiers died.
  • US joins the war🇺🇸

    US joins the war🇺🇸
    The US joined the war after the bombings in Pearl Harbor. Thy joined the Allies team. They were crucial on the war.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor 🇯🇵💣🇺🇸

    Attack on Pearl Harbor 🇯🇵💣🇺🇸
    Japan wanted to expand more so they decided to bomb the US. They attacked Pearl Harbor that is located in Hawaii. This made the US angry and they joined the war.
  • Mexico Joins the War 🇲🇽

    Mexico Joins the War 🇲🇽
    Mexico joined the war because Germany sank 2 on Mexico’s oil tanker ships. This made them declare war against the axis powers. They supported the allies with the war
  • Battle of Midway 🇺🇸🆚🇯🇵

    Battle of Midway 🇺🇸🆚🇯🇵
    The US Navy won the battle against Japan. This balanced the war because the US set free the Japan controlled islands. This also weakened Japan’s naval power and the Us approached Japan.
  • Manhattan Project 🇺🇸🧠

    Manhattan Project 🇺🇸🧠
    The US started researching about nuclear weapons. This research was led by J. Robert Oppenheimer. This were made to win the war against Japan
  • Battle of Stalingrad 🇩🇪🆚🇷🇺

    Battle of Stalingrad 🇩🇪🆚🇷🇺
    The battle took place in the USSR territory. The Germans wanted their territory but due to harsh winter conditions they had to retreat. Although they retreated, they still lost many troops due to the extreme cold.
  • Operation Overlord🇫🇷

    Operation Overlord🇫🇷
    This was a battle fought between the Allies and the Germany. The allies wanted to free France from Germany. They war was fought with:Paratroopers, Airstrikes, and Naval Forces.
  • Hitler commits suicide 😵🔫

    Hitler commits suicide 😵🔫
    Hitler was surrounded by the Allies. He knew that he had lost the war. First he chewed a pill and then he shot himself.
  • VE Day-Victory in Europe 🥹

    VE Day-Victory in Europe 🥹
    In this day the Allies defeated Germany. Hitler had already committed suicide. The Germans were left with no other choice but surrendring.
  • Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki🇯🇵💣💣

    Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki🇯🇵💣💣
    The US bombed Japan with their atomic bombs. The first bomb called “Little Boy” was dropped on Hiroshima. The second bomb that was called “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki.
  • VP Day-Victory in the Pacific🥹

    VP Day-Victory in the Pacific🥹
    Japan got scared of more bombings so they had to surrender. China got liberated and all of the Islands. This officially marked the end of WWII