Japan Invades Manchuria
Halfway around the World, Nationalistic military leaders were trying to take control of the imperial goverment of Japan.The Militarists launched a surprise attack and seized control of the Chinese province of Manchuria. -
HItler Becomes Chancellor
At the end of World war 1, HItler had been a jobless soldier drifting around Germany. In 1919, He joined a group called the NSGWP. He was a powerful public speaker, and by Mid- 1932 the Nazi's had become the strongest political party in Germany, Headed by Hitler. -
The Munich Agreement
The French Premier and British Prime Minister met with Hitler in Munich, Germany. Hitler declared the Annexation of the Sudetenland would be his last territorial demand. On sept. 30th 1938 the Munich agreement was signed. -
Germans Invade Poland
On Sept. 1st 1939 the Germans Luftwaffe roared over Poland raining bombs on military bases, airfields, and raillroads and cities. Germans tanks raced across the Polish countryside. on Sept. 3rd, just two days after the invasion, Britain and france declared war on Germany. Three weeks later Poland fell. -
Germans Invades Norway
On April 9th 1940, Hitler launched a surprise invasion to protect those countrys' freeedom and independence but in truth Hitler planned to build bases along the coast to strike at Great Britian. -
Germans Invade France
Germany invaded the South of France, Germans closed in on Paris from the North. On June 22nd 1940 Hitler handed French officers his terms of Surrender. -
Battle of Britain
In the Summer of 1940, the Germans began to assemble and invasion fleet along the French coast. Germany also launched an Air War at the same time it's goal was to gain totalt control of the skies by destroying Britains' RAF -
Germans Invade the Soviet Union
In June 1941, Hitler broke his agreement he made in 1939 with Stalin, not to go to war and invaded the Soviet Union. Roosevelt began sending lend-lease supplies to the Soviet Unioin. -
Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
On Dec. 7th 1941, There was 180 Japanese warplanes launched from six aircraft carriers for an hour and a half, Japanese planes were barely disturbed by US anti-Aircraft guns. By the time the last plane left by 9:30 am, the devestation was appalling. -
Battle of the Coral Sea
On May 4 - 8th 1942, the main allied forces in the Pacific succeeded in stopping the Japanese drive toward Australia in the five day battle of the Coral Sea. It was done through fighting with Aircrafts. -
Battle of Midway
Japans next thrust was towards Midway, a strategic island that lies North West of Hawaii. Americans had broken the Japanese code and knew that Midway was their next target. On June 3rd 1942, Chester Nimitz, commander of the American Navy fleet spotted Japanese scout planes. -
Battle of Guadalcanal
Guadacanal marked Japans first defeat on Land but not it's last. On Aug. 1942, 19 thousand troops stormed Guadacanal in the solomon islands. -
Battle of Stalingrad
The Germans had been fighting in the Soviet Union since June, 1941, in Nov. 1941, the bitter cold had stopped them in their tracks. When Spring came the Germans were ready to roll. Germans took the offensive to the Southern Soviet Union, Hoping to capture Soviet Oil Fields In the Caucasus Moutains. The Soviets looked to Stalingrad, they controled nine tenths of the city, but the Russians pushed back. -
Operation Torch
Operation Torch was the British - American invasion of French North Africa during Campaign of the Second World War. -
Battle of Kursk
In the Soveit Union During July and August 1943 the German Offensive was code named Operation Citadel and led to one of the Largest arnoured clashes in History.It was a defeat for Germany. -
Under Eishenhowers direction in England nearly three million British, American and Canadian. Eishenhower planned to attack Normandy in Northern France. On June 6th 1944, the first day of the invasion, Airborne soldiers were dropped on Normandy followed by thousands of Seaborne soldiers. -
Operation Market Garden
In Sept. 17 - 25th 1944, was an unsuccessful Allied military operation, fought in the Netherlands and Germany. It was the largest airborne operation up to that time. -
Battle of the Bulge
In Oct. 1944, Americans captured their first German town. Hitler responded with a desperate last gas offensive. ON Dec.16th under cover of densse fog 8 German tank divisions broke through weak American deffenses. The battle raged for a month when it was over the Germans had been pushed back, in fact little seemed to changed. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
After retaking much of the Phillippines and libertating the American prisons of war there Iwo Jima was critical to the Americans for heavily loaded bombers to hit Japan. With 20,000 Japanese troops entrenched in tunnels and caves. 6,000 US marines died and only 200 Japanese survived. -
Germany Surrenders
By April 25th 1945, the Soviet Army had stormed Berlin. As Soviet shells bursted overhead the city panicked. On April 29th, Hitler committed Suicide. And Germany Surrendered. -
Italy Surrenders
Allied forces begin to take large numbers of Axis prisoners. The total number of Axis prisoners taken was up to 1, 500, 000. At least 120,000 German troops were captured as well in April. On April 29 Rodolfo Graziani surrendered all Fascist Italian armed forces. Mussolini was executed on April 28 -
Bombing of Hiroshima
On Aug. 6th a B - 29 bomber named Enola Gay released an Atomic Bomb, code named Little Boy over Hiroshima. An important Japanese military center within seconds no building was standing. -
Japan Surrenders
Emperor Hirohito was horrified by the destroction on Sept. 2nd formal surrender cerimonies took place on the US Battle ship Missouri on Tokoyo Bay.