Beginning of the War
Germany invade Poland without declaring the war,then France and Great Britain enter the war honoring the treaty.After all that Canada declared war to Germany,Poland surrender to the forces of Germany,the Olympic Games get cancelled for 1940,it was going to be on Finland. -
Middle of the WW2
By the end of January,The U-boat would sink 25 tankers along the east coast.On February Philips Johnston proposes to the marines that the Navajo Indians be used to send secure code.On December 31 after a year of war more that 35,000 american in uniform had die. -
The end of WW2
The war on the western front took the life of 19,000 american and 60.000 wounded or captured and Hitler lost 100,000 men and his tanks and aircraft,on March 19 firebombing comes to the cities of Japan.On April 12 the president Roosevelt dies,on April 26 the Russian enter to Berlin.On May 7 Germany surrender and on May 9 the victory of Europe was celebrated,In August The soviet union declares war to Japan and now face invasion on two front.