World War II vsm 4

By vsm 4
  • Adolf Hitler was appointed Germany

    Adolf Hitler was appointed Germany
    Adolf Hitler was appointed Germany's chancellor on January 30, 1933.
  • Referred to as the Second Italo-Abyssinian War

    Referred to as the Second Italo-Abyssinian War
    Referred to as the Second Italo-Abyssinian War, was a colonial war that started in October 1935 and ended in May 1936.
  • Neutrality Act first passed in 1935

    Neutrality Act first passed in 1935
    America strengthens it's Neutrality Act first passed in 1935.
  • Hitler addresses Reichstag

    Hitler addresses Reichstag
    Hitler addresses Reichstag and serves notice that the future of Austria and the sudeten Germans are in the direct interest of Nazi Germany.
  • Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of Germany

    Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of Germany
    Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer of Germany, accepts salutes and cheers from the Nazi controlled Reichstag after announcing the Anschluss with Austria.
  • Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact

    Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact
    On this day in 1939, in response to Hitler's invasion of Poland, Britain and France, both allies of the overrun naion declare war on Germany.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Nazi Germany invaded Poland and WWII began
  • Hitler's invasion of Poland Britaon

    Hitler's invasion of Poland Britaon
    On this day in 1939, in response to Hitler's invasion of poland, Britain and France, both allies of the overrun nation declare war on Germany.
  • The invasion of Russia after Italy's attack on Greece

    The invasion of Russia after Italy's attack on Greece
    On June 22, 1941, having postponed the invasion of Russia after Italy's attack on Greece forced Hitler to bail out his struggling ally in order to keep the Allies.
  • Japan attacked United States

    Japan attacked United States
    Japan attacked United States on December 7, 1941
  • The United States Congress declared war upon Germany

    The United States Congress declared war upon Germany
    The United States Congress declared war upon Germany, in response to that nation's delaration of war following the Japanese attack.
  • Allied Troops land along a 50 mile stretch

    Allied Troops land along a 50 mile stretch
    On June 6, 1944 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified. June 6, 1944
  • Great Britain and the Untied States celebrate victory

    Great Britain and the Untied States celebrate victory
    On this day in 1945, both Great Britain and the Untied States celebrate victory in Europe Day. May 8, 1945
  • Something changed forever

    Something changed forever
    Something changed forever when, for the first time, the world witnessed the explosion of an atomic bomb.
  • A scond atom bomb is dropprd on Japan

    A scond atom bomb is dropprd on Japan
    On this day in 1945, a second atom bomb is dropped on Japan by the United States.
  • The surrender of the Empire of Japan

    The surrender of the Empire of Japan
    The surrender of the Empire of Japan on September 2, 1945, brought the hostilities of WOrld War II to a close.