World War II Timeline- Sofia Blankenship F block World History Honors

  • Japan attacks China

    Japan attacks China
    Japan invades the country of China, which causes contrsversy which leads to the start of World War II in the Pacific.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany, disobeying orders from Britain and France, proceeds to tke control of surrounding countries, including Poland. The new control of Poland then causes WWII in Europe.
  • Great Britin and France declare war on Germany

    Great Britin and France declare war on Germany
    Due to Germany's constant imperialistic acts, the two countries of Gritain and France decalre war on Germany.
  • Blitzkrieg agaisnt Germany and Norway

    Blitzkrieg agaisnt Germany and Norway
    Blitzkrieg is a German term describing "lightning war", It is a common military tactic that Adolf Hitler used quite often during his power regime. It causes disorganization of enemy military pwoers through the use of mobile forces and intense firepower.
  • Germany attacks the Netherlands, Belgium, and France

    Germany attacks the Netherlands, Belgium, and France
    As Germany continues to rise in military power, Hitler continues to attack surrounding countries in Europe, causing the war to deepen as the days go on.
  • France surrenders

    France surrenders
    France, suffering from extreme damages from Germany, surrenders to Hitler's army, left with the remaining shreds of the country.
  • Battle of Britain (Air Attack)

    Battle of Britain (Air Attack)
    In the Summer leading into the fall of 1940, British and German forces fought in the sky during the Battle of Britain. This battle was one of the most signifigant battles in WWII, being known as the "turning point of the war" . The battle ended when Germany's Luffwaffe failed to gain air superiority over Birtish air forces.
  • Hitler invades the Soviet Union

    Hitler invades the Soviet Union
    Better known as "Operation Barbarossa". Hitler invades Russia with his massive army containing, 3,000 tanks, 2,500 aircrafts, and 7,000 artillery peices. Germany marched towards Russia, aneglecting the pact made by the two countries in 1939.
  • The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
    Minutes before 8:00 AM, Japanese fighter plnes bombed Pearl Harbor, killing nearly 2,000 American soldiers. The Japanese destroyed 20 American Naval Vessels, including eight battleships, and almost 200 airplanes. After the attack, President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare immediate war on the empre of Japan. In result, the U.S has entered WWII.
  • The United States enters World War II

    The United States enters World War II
    Due to the massive bombing in pearl Harbor, the U.S immediately enters the war with only one vote agaisnt war made in Congress.
  • Japan and Axis Powers decalre war on the U.S

    Japan and Axis Powers decalre war on the U.S
    In result of the U.S joining the war, Japan and the Axis Powers; Germany and Italy, also decalre war on the United States.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Considred one of the most decisive battles in the naval army of WWII. The U.S broke one of Japan's code to attack the Naval U.S Army, the U.S defeated Japan b y cornering them when they least expected it. This sudden cut off of Japan's plans, permmanently damaged Japan's naval army for the rest of WWII.
  • Great Britain and the United States invade Africa(1942-1943)

    Great Britain and the United States invade Africa(1942-1943)
    The United States and Great Britain start to take down Hitler's army in Northern Africa. As well as Germany, Italy wa also located in Northern Africa. As the U.S and Great Britain enter North Africa, the two countries try to sway Stalin to join there side, however, that does not happen.
  • Battle of Stalingrad (July-february)

    Battle of Stalingrad (July-february)
    Russians considred this abttle to be the greatest battle the counry has ever fought. It stopped the German advance into the Soviet Union and marked the turning of the tide of war in favor of the Allies. The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the bloodiest battles in history, with combined military and civilian casualties of nearly 2 million.
  • Battle of Normandy (June-August)

    Battle of Normandy (June-August)
    Better known as "D-Day". The Allied powers liberated the Western Europe from Nazi Germany The invasion was one of the largest military assaults in history, cotaining 156,000 American and British troops.
  • Soviet Union launchs final offense

    Soviet Union launchs final offense
    The Soviet Union launches one of their final offenses during WWII, eventually circling Berlin, Germany.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Due to to the Nazi forces losing the war, Hitler decides to end his life by commiting suicide.
  • Germany surrenders to the western Allies

    Germany surrenders to the western Allies
    After Hitlers momentous death, the German army slowly begins to lose it's power, resulting in the surrender to the western Allies.
  • Germany surrenders to the Soviet Union

    Germany surrenders to the Soviet Union
    After the surrender two days prior to the western Allies, Germany then surrenders to the Soviet Union.
  • U.S drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan

    U.S drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
    One of the most devastating events for Japan, the bombing of Hiroshima killing almost half of the towns population and later killing 60,000 more citizens from the fallout effect. the bomb, B-29 was dropped on Hiroshima due to the fact that Japan would not surrender in WWII.
  • Another atomic bomb dropped in Japan

    Another atomic bomb dropped in Japan
    Only a few days after the horrific bomb dropped in Hiroshima, yet another one was dropped on another city in Japan, Nagasaki. The U.S said if Japan did not surrender, yet another bomb will be dropped anywhere in Japan.
  • Japan "surrenders"

    Japan "surrenders"
    After the second bombing, Japan unconditionally surrenders.
  • Japan officially surrenders

    Japan officially surrenders
    Japan officially surrenders to the Allies, ending World War II.