World War II Timeline: Rachel Dieringer P.2

  • World War II Begins

    Germany invades Poland causing Britain and France, ​Poland's allies, to declare war on Germany.
  • World War II's First Battle at Sea

    One of the first major event of World War II including Britain and Germany, ending in Britain Victory.
  • Japan Joins War

    Japan is driven to include itself in the war due to a lack of resources, seeking to conquer other countries such as the US and Britain forceds to seize resources. Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy in September of 1940.
  • Battle of Sedan

    France fell quickly after German forces launched a "Blitzkrieg" and massed Stuken dive bombers at Sedan.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    The Battle of the Atlantic was submarine warfare, ending in German defeat. This battle took place in an effort of the Germans to cut Allie's main source of transportation of supplies and men by taking control of the Atlantic Ocean.
  • France and Paris Cave in

    11 days after Paris falls to German Forces, France folds.
  • Battle of Britain

    Britain​ is faced with unexpected German bombings and invaders throughout July 10th, 1940-October 31st, 1940
  • Battle of Crete

    Britain and Greek forces surrounded after 2 weeks of defending Crete from German's air assault.
  • Battle of Brody

    Despite being severely outnumbered, Hitler's plan also referred to as "Operation Barbossa" lead to another German victory and domination of the area of the Russian Air Force.
  • Battle of Moscow

    Hitler's goal was to drive Moscow into the ground which had been going successfully for a while until their supply chain failed and the Russians orchestrated their counterattack and caused the Germans to retreat.
  • America Joins War

    4 days after Japan attacks ​Pearl Harbour, Hitler declares war on the U.S.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Japan initiated a surprise attack on the US at Pearl Harbor, introducing America into World War II.
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    With the knowledge of Japan's invasion plan due to codebreakers, US forces and some Australian ships interfered with Japan's plan to invade New Guinea and the Solomen Islands causing another sea warfare and resulting in Japan cancelling it's invasion plans.
  • Second Battle of Kharkov

    German invaded Stalin by encircling Russian forces with several Ponzer divisions, flying over 900 planes into the are, and the raining explosives down in the area forcing Russian soldiers to surrender. Over 250,000 Russian casualties occurred in the Battle of Kharkov.
  • Battle of Midway

    The US launched a major air assault on Japanese carriers with the knowledge that the Japanese were planning to ambush US forces with the help of codebreakers. This was a major defeat upon the Imperial Japanese Navy.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    German eventually destroyed the city even with the resistance of the Red Army. Afterward, German forces were surrounded by the city's defenders causing numerous casualties.
  • Battle of Kursk

    Russians got an advance due to the Allied codebreakers that the Nazis planned to surround and destroy their forces so they were able to launch their counterattack and defeat the Germans.
  • Elie Wiesel Joins War Unwillingly

    “Night”, narrated by Elie Wiesel, shows the teenage boy's perspective of traumatizing WWII. The story starts to take action when Elie Wiesel and the Jews of his town are escorted into ghetto groups which are later assembled onto cattle cars for several days leaving them food-deprived​ and exhausted.
  • Elie Wiesel and Jews are Placed into Concentration Camps

    Elie and his family later arrive at Auschwitz, where he and his father are separated from his mother and sisters which never reunite. They are handled brutally, stripped, and shaved upon their arrival. In the camp, Elie is assigned a job in the electrical-fittings factory.
  • Battle of Anzio

    Italy was invaded by the allies causing a battle that lasted five months before the superior Germans pushed the Allies to the Beachhead and were rewarded with victory.
  • Battle of Monte Casino

    The Battle of Monte Cassino ended in Allie's victory but also cost them more than 50,000 casualties, The abbey of the Monte Cassino was also destructed by the Allies which mistook it as a German artillery observation position killing many.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Another battle won by the Allies after German forces were weakened with a lack of resources and American forces persevered to conquer this battle aside from the fact that over 19,000 had died.
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf

    The Battle of Leyte Gulf just off the Phillippines is known as one of the largest naval battles in history. Because Japanese forces were unable to unite, 4 Japanese light carriers and 3 battleships were sunken symbolizing yet another US victory.
  • Battle of the Philippine Sea

    Between Japanese and American forces, the US had both outnumbered Japanese forces but also had quite the advantage with aircrafts leading them to victory.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was the largest military naval, air, and land operation including the US, Canada, France, and the UK all attacking German forces to defend the 50-mile stretch of Normandy coastline.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    US Marines won the Battle of Iwo Jima after bombing the island for months sending 20,000 Japanese defenders into bunkers, tunnels, and caves.
  • Battle of Luzon

    General Douglas Macarthur leads​ an invasion into Japan in an attempt to gain Luzon which had previously fallen to Japan in 1942. Japan lost terribly, around 200,000 were killed.
  • Battle of Berlin

    The Battle of Berlin was an action fought at close quarters, and rather than surrendering, Hitler committed suicide which conveniently ended the war in Europe.
  • Adolf Hitler Commits Suicide

    After refusing to surrender in the Battle of Berlin, Adolf Hitler killed himself April 30th, 1945 ending his leadership and war in Europe.