World War II timeline project_Derek Rodriguez

  • The Holocaust

    Adolf hitler beleaved that people that are not german of part of his arian race should be seperated from the rest of the public and were placed in concentration camps.
  • Japan invaded China

    Japan wanted to expand there empire by attacking the chinease main land and gain more land and resources
  • Munich Conference

    Adolf hitler wanted the rhineland near the border of france so britain apeased him to avoid war by giving it to him
  • Non-Aggression pact

    Germany beleived that by signing a pact with the Soviet Union they would e
  • Germany invades Poland

    Hitler beleived that all land orignaly owned by germany should go back to germany and I LOVE YOU he started with the invasion of poland
  • Blitzkrieg

    germany invades poland with massive air attacks called blitzkrieg in wich multiple planes attack one target with bombs.
  • Lend-lease act

    The US in an effort to help great britain created an act that would allow for the US to help the Country by supplying tanks and war supplies but could not send over troops or deleiver suplies
  • Battle of Britain

    germany had control of almost all countries in europe that were part of the allied powers and set there goals on Great britain that did this by using air attacks over london to try to weaken deffence but it didnt work because GB was able to deffend against the germans and destroy most of the germain planes
  • Battle of Midway

    The battle of midway was between japan and the americans at the midway point between the island and the mainland where
  • Operation Barbarossa

  • Pearl Harbor

    The final straw that brout the US from isolationism to joining the war on December 7 US ships in pearl harbor were attacked and destroyed by Japanies planes on a suprise attack
  • Wannsee Conference

    final poin twhere they deccided to not keep the jews for work but to start the enihalation and elemination of jews in all camps
  • Bataan Death March

    75 thousand filipino and american troops on the island of bataan marched over 65 miles by japanies guards to concentration camps
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    large battle between the allies and the nazis in the town of stalingrad one of the bloodiest battles in history of warfare
  • D-Day

    Was the attack led by the allies that would attack the shores of Normandy, France which would give the allies ground troops on the ground in eastern europe and would open the oppertunities that the allies would get to attack the germans
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle in europe the last offensive for the germans and was unsucessful and the allies were able to push further into germany shortly leading to the surender of germany
  • Battle of Iwa Jima

    Some of the bloodiest battles in the pacific were fought on the island of Iwa Jima. The island offered a place for the US to set up air superiority by using the air bases on the island
  • Battle of Okinawa

    also known as operation iceberg waws one of the biggest aquatic attacks during the pacific war largest island under US control near Japan
  • V-E day

    V-E stands for Victory in Europe this day signifies the defeat of the nazi party in germany at the point in the war the US and all allies pointed their attacks toward the pacific against Japan
  • The Bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki

    The US knowing that they would suffer tremendouse casualties if they attacked the hame island of japan had to find an alternitive but also took this as a chance to show the world what power the US had so they ordered japan to unconditionaly surrender twice proceeded by the bombings of the islands of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • V-J day

    This date signifies the end of the war against japan. V-J standing for Victory in Japan.
  • Warsaw pact

    Pact signed at the end of WWII that decided what countries would be under what rule so that neither the soviets or the democratic countries would feel like th other had more power