World War II Timeline Project: K_ Middleton

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    japan invades china

    It started with an incident by the Marco Polo bridge near bejing.They were intrigued by the cheap labor force and vast resources.
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    the holocaust

    The systematic murder of 11 million people across Europe. More than half of whom were Jews. They were people who were used as scapegoats. They're were concentration camps and also death camps.
  • munich conference

    The Munich conference took place in Munich,Germany. It was between the many major European powers but not the Soviet Union or Czechoslovakia. It was held on September 29, this conference Sudetenland was ceded to Germany.
  • non-agression pact

    A nonaggression pact is an agreement in which two nations promised not to go to war with each other. It's also called the Nazi-Soviet pact. The pact was between Germany and the Soviet Union.the pact didn't last long.
  • germany invades poland

    This begins the world war. Germany breaks the nonagression pact by invading Poland. They used a strategic warfare that would soon become blitzkrieg. They bombed from the sky trying to cut off railroads, food supplies,and all ways of travel.
  • blitzkrieg

    blitzkrieg means lightning war in german.Germans used it as a stretegic and win in battle. They most popularly used it at the bettle of britain.Many times when using blitzkrieg naval staions and civilians were the target.
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    battle of britain

    An air force battle between Britain and Germany. It was a British win. The German Air Force was called the Luftwaffe. The British Air Force was called the Royal Air Force.
  • lend-lease act

    An act that stated that the president would lend or lease arms and other supplies to anyone whose defense was vital to the U.S. iT lasted from1941 to August 1945. The u.s helped the republic of China ,free France, ussr. Lending and leasing was like renting without immediate payment, sometimes things such as ships were returned. It ended the United States non intervention policy and their vow to stay neutral.
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    operation barbarossa

    Was when the German forces when against the nonaggression pact. They invade the Soviet Union. It was one of the largest invasion in history. A Soviet Union win even though the loss of many men.
  • pearl harbor

    when the japanese attack the u.s. naval base in Hawaii. Many of the american soldiers were sleeping when the attack happened. 2,500 people died, 1000 people and more were wounded. 18 american ships were damaged.
  • bataan death march

    Was three months after the battle of Bataan. It was a 60 mile walk. Imperial Japanese soldiers physically abused American and Filipino prisoners of war, which sometimes led to death. It was categorized as a Japanese war crime. The march took place from Mariveles,Bataan to San Fernando, Pampanga.
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    battle of midway

    Fought in the pacific theater. A naval battle between the U.S. And Japan. The U.S. wins. Turning point in the war for the Americans. The Japanese miscalculated the U.S. And didn't realize they had code breakers.
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    battle of stalingrad

    Takes place In the European theatre. Turning point of the war. Between the Soviet Union and Germany. The soviet destroys the sixth army. Decisive soviet win since they made German forces exhaust their resources and surrender.
  • d-day

    When the u.s. army invaded normandy. It's a day they will never forget. A seaborne invasion that was also aerial. The real name was operation overload but a coverup plan was called operation bodyguard to trick German troops. It included British,U.S., and Canadian troops against German forces.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    It caught the allied forces off guard. Depleted many of the resources the Germans were using. Major offensive war for the Germans. The allied forces won although they tremendous losses.
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    battle of iwo jima

    An American victory. Fought between the U.S. And Japan.
    American forces landed on Iwo Jima and then took it from Japan. Japan suffered three time the loss of American forces. The operation was called detachment.
  • battle of okinawa

    Took place on the RYukyu islands on Okinawa in Japan. The operation name was iceberg. It would soon become an aerial post for when the U.S. Would invade Japan. Involved kamikaze Japanese pilots. Large scale amount of deaths in various forms.
  • v-e day

    The end of the war in Europe. Known as victory in Europe day. German troop surrender led by Karl donitz. Since Adolf Hitler comitted suicide on April 30th rather than surrender.
  • bombing of nagasaki

    bombing of nagasaki
    A bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Up to 80,000 people died. Th e type of bomb was an implosion. The bomb was nick named fat man.
  • bombing of hiroshima

    bombing of hiroshima
    The nickname of the bomb was little boy. It was a gun type bomb. Over 40,000 people were killed. Destroyed over five miles. A few days later Japan declared surrender to the allies.
  • v-j day

    v-j day
    Also known as victory over Japan day. The day that Japan surrenders to the allies ending the war in the pacific is August 15. The day the document of surrender is signed on September 2nd. A formal surrender took place on the the USS missiouri.
  • warsaw pact

    A pact between eight communist states. It is similar to nato. It helped with the economy for the communist nations. Also known as treaty of friendship and defense.