World War II Timeline Project

By jas.min
  • Rape of Nanjing

    Rape of Nanjing
    While the Sino- Japanese War was happening, the capital of China “Beijing” fell to the Japanese forces. The Japanese General Matsui Iwane wanted to break the spirit of the Chinese resistance, so he ordered that the city of Nanking had to be destroyed. Almost half of the city was burned, and the troops launched a campaign of violence against the civilians. The Japanese had slaughtered about 150,000 males. They also butchered about 50,000 make civilians and raped 20,000 women and girls.
  • Anschluss

    Anschluss is the German “union”, it was a political union of Austria with Germany. The Austria and Germany Nazis had come together and attempted a coup but they were unsuccessful. Austria asked Italy to support them but the Italian leader Benito Mussolini had already abandoned the idea of protecting Austria. On March 12 Germany invaded and the enthusiasm gave Hilter the cover to annex. After Austria outrighted on March 13.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    The Munich Conference was in which Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France signed a Munich agreement. However, Czechoslovakia must surrender its own border regions and its defenses to the Nazis. Adolf Hitler had threatened to occupy the German-populated part of Czechoslovakia. Even though Czechoslovakia had defense treaties with France and the Soviet Union. This agreement was abrogated in which Hitler took over the rest of Czechoslovakia the following year.
  • The Invasion of Poland

    The Invasion of Poland
    German troops invaded Poland which was triggering World War II. Great Britain and France had declared war on Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany had an overwhelming military that was over Poland. Germany had realized that the assault on Poland had shown the ability to combine air power and armor to a new kind of mobile warfare.
  • Strategic Bombing

    Strategic Bombing
    Strategic Bombing was used to destroy a country’s ability to wage war by trying to lose the confidence of the civilians. This strategic bombing can include ground troops, in combat operations. It was also a facet of total war.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    The Battle of the Atlantic in World War II was between Britain, the U.S, and Germany for control of the Atlantic sea routes. Later the French coalition had driven German merchant shipping from the Atlantic. However, Britain was disadvantaged by the French naval support. Therefore the Axis began a large-scale submarine that was used against coastal shipping in the U.S waters and the German U-boats. The Allied shipping loss was severe.
  • Western Desert Campaign (Desert War)

    Western Desert Campaign (Desert War)
    War in Africa started in North Africa when Marshal Rodolfo Graziani’s Italian army launched an attack from its bases in Libya. However, they outnumbered British forces in western Europe. On February 12, 1941, German General Erwin Rommel arrived in Libya to be able to take command of the troops and send them to reinforce Germany’s Italian allies.
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    The Battle of Moscow was fought between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. This battle ended the German's intention to capture Moscow, Russia. These Germans were shocked by the Soviet Union because they were able to bring reserves. These Nazi officers had thought that Moscow was unattainable, so they had to press forward and end the war before the winter.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor is a U.S naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii. Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japanese forces on December 7, 1941. Hundreds of Japanese fighter planes had descended on the base. They had managed to destroy/damage 20 naval vessels, eight battleships, and over 300 airplanes. 2,400 Americans died in the attack, and 1,000 were wounded. After the attack, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked congress to declare war on Japan.
  • The Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad was a very brutal military campaign that was between Russian forces and Nazi Germany and also the Axis powers during World War II. The Battle of Stalingrad is one of the biggest, longest and bloodiest in modern warfare. More than two million troops fought and two million people were killed or injured. The Battle of Stalingrad had turned the tide of World War II in the favor of the Allied forces.
  • D-Day (Normandy Invasion)

    D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
    D-Day had brought together the land, air land, and sea forces of the allied armies which became known as the largest force in human history. The code name was overlord and delivered five assault divisions to the beaches of France. The code names for the beaches were UTAH, OMAHA, GOLD, JUNO, and SWORD. This invasion included 7,000 ships and over 195,000 naval personnel from eight allied countries. By June 30th over 850,000 men, 148,000 vehicles and 570,000 supplies were on the Normandy shores.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    World War II conflict was between the United States and the Empire of Japan. The United States climbed an amphibious invasion of Iwo Jima. The United States had gotten a victory and the battle was one of the bloodiest.
  • Women in the War

    Women in the War
    At the time of the First World War, most of these women were banned from voting or being able to serve in military roles. However, these women saw war as an opportunity not just to serve their country but to gain rights and independence. Many women took male traditional jobs in the United States.