The first concentration camp (Dachau) opens.
Hitler Became Chancellor of Germany.
The Reichstag Election when the Nazi Party gained the majority of the Reichstag by joining the nationalist party.
Hitler becomes Fuhrer.
The Anti-Comintern Act is signed by Germany and Japan against international communists other than the Soviet Union.
Germany annexes Austria.
The Munich Pact was signed that handed over parts of Czechoslovakia to Germany.
Kristallnacht or "The Night of Broken Glass."
Slovakia became an "independent"country under German control.
Germany and Soviet Union signed a Nonaggression Pact.
Germany begins their invasion of Poland from the West.
Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.
Soviet troops invaded Poland from the East.
Construction for Auschwitz began.
Germany invaded Norway and Denmark.
Germany enters Paris.
The Germans start the blitzkrieg on London which lasts until May.
Germany and Italy sign the Pact of Steel.
Japan bombs the U.S. base on Pearl Harbor.
The United States declares war on Japan.
Italy joins the Allies in fighting the Germans in their country.
The Invasion of Normandy.
Soviet forces arrive at Auschwitz to find the sick and dead.
The Battle Of Iwo Jima begins and ends March 26.
The Battle of Okinawa begins and ends June 22.
Germany surrenders to the Allies.
The nuclear bombing of Hiroshima.
The nuclear bombing of Nagasaki.
General MacArthur accepts Japan's formal surrender.