Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles gives Germany many severe penalties which cause the economy and living stats severe damage Due to the harsh penalties of the Treaty of Versailles, the hate towards the League of Nations increase in Germany. Hitler is also one of those people who dislikes theTreaty of Versailles and Leagu of Nations. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor
Hindenburg, the president of Germany accounted Hitler as the Chancellor which was the head of the government. This event is very significant because as Hitler becamse Chancellor, his power increased prodigiously and he gradually starts to reveal his thoughts of Fascism. -
Period: to
Holocaust(Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3)
In the first phase, the Germans tried to identify the Jews by using things such as the Nuremburg Laws. The Jews had to wear the Star of David and took away Jewish rights as humans. Later on Germans put the Jews inside Ghetto's that are in real bad conditins. They were seperated and later on not even considered as humans. The Jews were sent to Concentration camps such as, Auschwitz where they where killed or had to do severe labor. The Jews where used in horrible tests. -
Hitler declares himself Führer
After the death of Hindenburg, Hitler declares himself the Führer, the absolute ruler of Germany. This event declares the start of Hitler's dictate in Germany. After becoming Führer, Hitler expressed his Fascists thoughts and thoughts about the German superior race. He also exposes his hate towards the Jews. Also, as Hitler becamed Führer he starts plans for making the German Reich, the German empire. -
Hitler drafts and rearms the German army
Hitler expresses his dislike of the pledges made by the Treaty of Versailles by drafting men to the German army and rearms his military. These were restricted by the Treaty of Versailles, but Hitler did this to show that he is not going to follow the Treaty of Versailles. By drafting men into the army and rearming the army, Hitler seemed to start his ideas of expansion of Germany and war. -
German troops conquer Rhineland
Rhineland is a place between the between the borders of Germany and France. As Hitler took Rhineland, he broke the pledge made in the Treaty of Versailles. Also by gaining Rhineland he was right next to France which gave him an advantage when attacking France. Howver, even though the French army had a chance of preveting Germany conquering Rhineland, they didn't which allowed Germany of havig a direct way to France. -
Japanese Invasion of China
As th Japanese invade China, it seems to show he beginning of WWII in the Pacific. Due to Japan invading China, America allowed it soldiers to volunteer and go fight for the Chinese. This grows the tension between the Japanese and Americans. -
Munich Conference
The Munich Conference was a meeting between Germany, France, Britain, Italy in Munich, Germany. This meeting resulted into Hitler pledging to stop right after taking Sudetenland and Britain and France agreed. However, this conference was very significant in World War 2 because it stopped Britain and France from preparing which caused Germany a benefit in the beginning of war. However, Hitler didn't keep his pledge and kept on conquering. -
Hitler takes Czechoslovakia
Hitler breaks the pledge that was made in the Munich Conference and takes over Czechoslovakia. In the Munich Conference, Hitler pledgs that he wil not take over Czechoslovakia but he does. By taking Czecoslovakia, Hitler starts eliminating nations that might help Britain France. In the other way, Britain and France were losig possible allies to Germany. -
Spanish Civil War ends with the win of Frnacisco Franco
The Spansih Civil War which happened bwetween the Socialists and the Nationalists who favored a Fascist-style government. The Civil War ended in the Nationalists favor. The Nationalists leader was Francisco Franco who believed in Hitler's Fascist leadership. This meant that Hitler's Germany gained one more ally in Europe. The civil war in Spain, Germany practiced its tactics that they were going to use in World War 2. So the Spanish Civil War was like a rehearsel of World War 2 for Germany. -
Russia and Germany sign nonaggression pact
As Russia and Germany signing a nonaggression pact, Germany was able to put all of their forces against France. This was very important because in World War 1 Germany lost because their army was seperated. However, because they didn't have to feel any threat from Russia, Germany was able ot concentrate their army against France which was different from WWI. -
Germany invadeds Poland
Germany invades Poland in the beginning of September. This event is so significant because of this event, France and Brtiain finally goes away with their appeasement and calls out war. The two countries declare war against Germany. However, unlike the prepared German military, France and Britain weren't ready to fight at that point. -
Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declares war against Germany
This event when Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declaring war against Germany announces the official start of World War 2 even though there were fights before this. After this it became official that the whole Europe was under a war that would be the most savage. -
France surrenders to Germany
Germany uses their war tactic, blitzkrieg to attack France. Although the Frech resists, they weren't able to stop the powerful military of Germany. As France surrendered in the same train car the Treaty of Versailles was signed. As the French falled, it seemed that Britain was the only power in Europe who was against Germany. -
Battle of Britain ends
Britain fights with the German air forces and successfully resists their attack. Although Britain seemed that they might lose, because of the help of the home front and the mistake made by Hitler, the British were able to produce militaric goods. The win of the Battle of Britain gave hope to the people that they have a possibility of winning even though they are in a hard situation. -
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
Japan attacks the US navy base, Pearl Harbor. The attack was very succesful and caued great damage because the US didn't expect an attackThis event was lead up by the prior tensions between the Japanese and Americans. Due to this event, US declares war against Japan. This is probably the start of the US joining the war. By attacking a US navy base, Japan awakened a sleeping power. -
America declare war against Japan
After the attack of Pearl Harbor, Rossevelt declared war against Japan and the Congress quickly accepted his request. As America declares war against Japan, soon Germany declares war against America and the war becomes a real world war. Also the allies officialy get a strong power on their side. -
Hitler delcares war against US
Hitler declares war against US stating that the US violated manners of neutrality. Due to this event US was able to officialy attack Germany, and this gave the allies greaet power beacuse US had fresh troops and weapons. However, to the Axis Powers, it wasn't beneficial because they had to fight against the fresh troops and weapons. -
Doolittle's Raid on Japan
16 B-25 bombers bombed Tokyo and other Japanese cities under the control of Lieutenant Colonel James H. Doolittle. Althogh this attack didn't have much damage in the land, but it gave damage to the people pyschologically. It made the Japanese doubt their greatness and gave America confidence. This helped the Americans but was negative against the Japanese in the war. -
Battle of Coral Sea
In this war, the two sides used a new tactic of naval war. The ships didn't attack, but air crafts from aircraft carriers attacked the enemies ships. In this battle, Japan had less casualties, but it favored the allies because it stopped the Japanese advancement towards the South. -
Battle of Midway
Nimitz had a plan to allow the Japanese to begin their attack on the island. However, after the first Japanese planes went up, American planes attacked the Japanese carriers before the other Japanese aircrafts soared up. This battle ended as a great defeat against the Japanese. Due to this battle, it gave the allies an advantage over the Japanese because the loss of Japan was great. -
Battle of Stalingrad
It was a battle between the Germans and Russians in which Germsns tried to take Stalngrad. However, prior to the battle, Stalin told his commanders to protect Stalingrad what ever they do. Also Hitler ordered his generals to not retreat which caused prodigious casualties during this battle. However, even though the city was nearly destroyed the Russians wons. This was very negative towards Germany beause it was a loss right after the loss in North Africa. -
Battle of El Alamein
It was a battle between the British between the German forces in an Egypt village called, El Alamein. The Germans were dug so well, which made the British difficult. So the British general, Montogemry ordered a mass attack against the German's front line. Due to the battle of El Alamein the allies were able to go on to Operation Torch and became the base of the allies come back. -
Operation Torch
It was an operation of more than 100,000 allied forces landed in Algeria and Morocco. It was led by the American general Dwight D. Eisenhower. Due to this operation, the allies successfuly landed in land to fight against the Germans. Also due to this Rommel's Afrika Korps were caught between Montgomery's and Eisenhower's armies. This gave the Germans a severe defeat in North Africa. -
Battle of Guadaclanal
American general, MacArthur believed that the allies should take islands that weren't well defended, but close to Japan. So they chose Guadalcanal and planned an attack before Japan built the base. Although taking the airfield, the fight for controling the island lasted very long, but after six months, the Japanese left the island. Due to the victory of Guadalcanal, the allies had the power to make strategies. However, the Japanese lost their offensive force in the Pacific. -
Invasion of Italy
Although Stalin asked the allies to keep on attacking Germany, Churchill and Roosevelt started to attack Italy. By conquering Sicily, it toppled Mussolini out of power. This event was significant because it toppled Mussolini from power which was getting rid of a supporter of Hitler. -
D-Day invasion
On the day, British, AMerican, French, and Canadian troops fourght onto a 60-mile stretch beach in Normandy, France. The allies had great casualties because the Germans dug with machine guns, rocket launchers , and cannons. 2,700 men among the AMerican forces died. However, because of the D-Day invasion, the allies were able to send more troops on the European land which increased their power. -
Battle of Leyte Gulf
This was a battle fought in the Philippines island, Leyte. In this battle the Japanese had a plan to destroy the American fleet to prevent the allies from ressplying their troop, but the plan had too many risks. However, the Japanese took the risk and it resulted as a great fallure. The Japanese suffered from a severe loss. Due to this victoy, the Americans were able to take Iwo Jima later on. -
Battle of the Bulge
This was when the German tanks attacked the American defenses along a 75 mile front in the Ardennes. Until then, it seemed as if the Germans might push the Amercans, however, the allies gathered their power once again and pushed back Germany. This battle is very significant because it seemed to show that the end of war was close. -
Mussolini is hung
Benito Mussolni was found in one of the trucks disguised as a German soldier by some Italian resistance fighters. The day after he found he gets shot and is hung in Milan. This event shows the end of a Fascist leader and a partner of Hitler. Due to this event, Hitler loses a strong ally in Europe whic puts him into a severe position. -
Surrender of Germany was officially signed in Berlin
This was the day when German General Eisenhower officially surrendered to the allies. This even was definately significant because it marked the end of the long and savage war. However, sadly Roosevelt wasn't able to see this because he suddenlt died on April 12. Although Germany surrendered, there was Japan left and the allies had to finish off Japan to say that the war was really over. -
Holocaust Continued
Due to the Holocaust, there were numerous facts were found out in the Holocaust, but the nations seemed to think about using them. Also, the Holocaust gave an idea that there should be no more events such as the Holocaust. -
Battle of Okinawa
The battle of Okinawa was the last thing that the Japanese were ble to do. Due to this battle about 112,000 soldiers were dead. However, this battle ended as the victory of the US. This was significant because the only place behind Okinawa was the Japanese main land. -
Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The two deadly bombs that were bombed in a 3 day interval created mass destruction in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Due to these two bombs, about 150,000 people died and many more died later on because of radiation. This bomb was so significant because it was the first use of atomic bomb in the world and it was so deadly that it made everybody fear. Finally, due to these atomic bombs, Japan surrendered and really ended the World War.