Trouble in Spain
popular unrest forced the King out of Spain. This lead to governemnt taking away power from france. Troubles started in 1913 and ended in 1936. Fransico Franko lead to power. he was a facist leader that lead a revolt to create a fascist naation. -
Japan seizes Manchuria
Japan wanted to have there empire equal to the Western Empires, therefore Japan seizes Manchuria. Need for natural resouces that Japan needs -
Italy invades Etheopia
Mussolini troops invade Etheopia, but the outdated weapons in Etheopia were no match for Italy's modernized tanks. League of Nation can not take control and looses power. Mussolini wants to show great power of army and defeating ethoupia would do this -
Germany sends troops into France
Germany violates the Verssialle Treay again by sending troops into France. Used the military that he built up in difiance post Word War I. There was no penilization for breaking code. This allowed for him to keep gaining land, -
Japan Armies Overran China
After bombing Manchuria, Japans army became stronger. The stronger military was able to overrun China. -
Guernica Killing
About 1000 innocent civilians died when Germany dropped the bombs. Germany dropped the bombs and then continued to to shot anyone else who did not dies during the bomb attack. -
Germany wants to Engineer Union of Austria and Germany
Austria refused to form the Union with Germany. Hilter made a speech in Austria and who ever did not agree or go against Hilter would be punished. -
Hilter takes over the Sudeaten Land
Norther and western parts of Czech. Brings in his tanks and annexes this region and then claims land as Gernamn Land. Jews are sent to labor camps -
Germany annexed Czechoslavakia
Germany took control of counrty because German people lived in Western part of the country. Germany forced Allies to not go to war over the issue. This was an easy win for Germany -
Munich Pact
Leaders sit down with Hitler and tell him to stop taking over land. Hitler said as long as he get Czech, he will stop taking over land. The people gave Hitler Czech, but that did not do anything. -
Nazi - Soviet Pact
This pact stated that Germany and Soviet Union have a peaceful relationship. They promised not to fight each other and divide the land equally. This allowed for Germany to stop fighting a two front War. Stalin made pact so that he could prepare his military against Germany -
Invastion of Poland
Hitler takes over Poland and Warsaw which started World War Two.