World War II Timeline

  • Hitler gets elected

    Hitler gets elected
    Hitler giving speech after getting elected in GermanyAdolf Hitler was appointed to chancellor of Germany by Paul von Hindenburg in a government dominated by conservatives.
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    Some 1.5 million german troops invade poland. Adolf Hitler claimed the invasion was a defensive action, but this did not convice Britain and France that this was the actual cause of the invasion. This invasion then led to the declaration of war against germany from Britain and France.
    "Why should this war in the West be fought for the restoration of Poland? The Poland of the Versailles Treaty will never rise again." - September 1939 Hitler
    "WW2 Quotes." WW2 Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.
  • Soviet Union Invades Finland

    Soviet Union Invades Finland
    This intitiates what they call a "Winter War" and all the Finns retreat to the southern border.
    "Men were thrown headlong at Finnish guns. Tanks and their crews were shelled and burned, whole regiments of infantry encircled. Entire battalions of troops, the spearhead of the Red Army, were cut off from their reinforcements and supplies." - During the Soviet-Finnish Winter War (Unknown Soviet Union Soldier)
    "WW2 Quotes." WW2 Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.
  • Germany invades Denmark and Norway

    Germany invades Denmark and Norway
    Germany invades the neighboring country of Denmark, and Denmark surrenders on the day of the attack. Germany also invades Norway and they are able to hold out untill June 9th,1940.
    "As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable." -Albert Einstein
    "WW2 Quotes." WW2 Quotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.
  • Italy Joins the war

    Italy Joins the war
    At this point Italy enters into the war and invades France.
  • Tripartite Pact

    Tripartite Pact
    Tripartite Pact
    Germany, Japan and Italy all sign the Tripartite Pact or the three powers pact. This established the Axis powers of the WWII.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacks America's Pacific Naval Fleet. On the island of Hawaii, America was taken by surprise with this event. Three days after the event of Pearl Harbor Germany, and Italy declare war on the United States.
    "He dropped something, and as he banked away I saw the red emblem of the Japanese on his wings so I knew we were under attack," - U.S. Navy Salior 2nd Class Durrell Conner
  • Infamy Speech

    Infamy Speech
    Speech that was delivered by President Roosevelt describing the previous day as "a date which will live in infamy". Within an hour of the speech, Congress passed a formal declaration of war against Japan and officially brought the U.S. into World War
    Speech video-
  • Holocaust

    Millions of Jews were sent to sent to concentration camps and many were killed, tortured for the reason that Hilter wanted to make a superior race of the Germans. “If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example.”
    ― Anne Frank
    "Quotes About Holocaust." (139 Quotes). N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.v
  • Japanese Relocation Camps

    Japanese Relocation Camps
    The U.S. government set up thousand of relocation camps for the Japanies-Americas that live on the West Coast that were located in isolated areas in the Central U.S.
  • D-Day

    Message from General EisenhowerAllied Troops invaded Normandy, France to fight Nazi
    Germany. This invasion was led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Hitler commits Suicide

    Hitler commits Suicide
    Along side his Newly wedded wife, Eva, Adolf Hitler retreats into his underground bunker after hearing that the Russians were about to take the Chancellory. While there, he and his wife both swallowed cyanide capsules and then he shot himself with a pistol.
  • U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima

    U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima
    Footage of the Bombing of HiroshimaU.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima in an attempt to end the war and was the first of two cities in Japan to be bombed by the U.S. This marked the first use of nuclear weapons in history.
  • U.S. drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki

    U.S. drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki
    "FatMan" BombU.S. drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki in a last attempt to end the war, an estimated 73,884 people died and 74,909 people were injured by the bomb codenamed "Fat Man" by the end of 1945. This was the second and last use of nuclear weapons in the war.