World War II Begins
World War II begins September 1, 1939. -
Britain and France Declare War
Britain and France declare war on Germany, after following the attack on the Allied nation of Poland. -
Hitler Invades Poland
World War II began after Hitler’s invasion of Poland which led to Great Britain and France declaring war on Germany -
Poland Divided
After Poland's defeat, country was divided between Nazi Germany and Soviet Union. -
Germany's Invasion
Germany launches invasion of Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and France. After a few weeks, all but France surrendered. -
Italy Declares War
Italy declares war on Britain and France. -
Battle of Britain
Germany begins bombing raid against Great Britain in the Battle of Britain. -
Tripartite Pact
Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite Pact. -
Yugoslavia Surrenders
Germany, Italy, Hungary, and Bulgaria invade and divide up Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia surrenders on April 17. -
Pearl Harbor
Japanese aircraft attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. -
Germany Army
Hitler takes complete control of the Germany Army. -
First trainloads of Jews from Paris arrive at Auschwitz. -
Allies Defeat Japan
Allies defeat Japan near Hawaiian coast in the Battle of the Midway. The battle makes a turning point in favor of the Allies. -
German's Massive Tank Launch
The Germans launch a massive tank offensive near Kursk in the Soviet Union. -
Italian Fascist Government Falls
Mussolini arrested and Italian Fascist government falls; Marshal Pietro Badoglio takes over and negotiates with Allies. -
Badoglio Government Surrenders
The Badoglio government surrenders unconditionally to Allies. Germans immediately takes control of Rome and northern Italy. -
Italy Surrenders
General Dwight D. Eisenhower publicly announces Italy’s surrender to the Allies. -
Italy Declares War
Italy declares war on Germany; Second American air raid on Schweinfurt. -
Belorussian Front
Soviet troops begin offensive on Belorussian front; First major daylight bombing raid on Berlin by Allies. -
Liberating Concentration Camps
Russian troops liberate the first concentration camp at Majdanek, where over 360,000 had been murdered. -
Gas Chambers
Last use of the gas chambers at Auschwitz. -
Battle of the Bulge
Germans launch a huge attack in Battle of the Bulge. Germans lose to Allies sealing the fate of the German army. -
Hitler's Death
Adolf Hitler commits suicide. -
End of War in Europe
Germany surrenders to Allies in Reims, France, ending World War II in Europe. -
Atomic Bomb on Japan
United States drops the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The city was destroyed. -
World War II Ends
The US General , Douglas MacArthur, accepted Japan’s surrender therefore formally ending the second world war.