World War II Timeline

  • Holocaust

    Nazis came to power and Hitler was in charge of Germany. During the Holocaust about 7 million Jews were killed by the Nazis.
  • Neutrality Act

    Neutrality Act
    The Neutrality Act is prohibiting the sale of arms to warring nations. This Act also stated that Americans travel at their own risk on ships.
  • Germany attacks Poland

    Germany attacks Poland
    -This battle took place on September 1, 1939.
    -Germany has victory by the end of the month.
  • Blitzkrieg

    Against Holland and Belguim
    means "lightning war"
  • Battle of Dunkirk

    Battle of Dunkirk
    -About 340,000 Allied troops escape.
    -In the battle Britain, Germany, Belgium, and France were involved in the battle.
  • Germany attacks Britain

    Germany attacks Britain
    Battle of Britain was an intense battle that took place in the air between the Germans and the British.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    -Hitler wants to invade Britain.
    -Germany wants to invade Britain.
    -This battle lasted nearly about 3 and a half months.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    -One of the bloodiest battles in history
    -This battle was fought between the Nazis and their Allies . The Allies were Italy, Romania and Hungary against the Soviet Union.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    -The Japanese and their planes attecked the naval base of Pearl Harbor.
    -The Japanse destroyed a numerous amout of battleships.
    -They practically did this disaster just to get the United States involved in World War II.
    -FDR declared war on Japan.
  • Britain and US declare war on Japan

    Britain and US declare war on Japan
    Since Japan invaded the naval base of Pearl Harbor in the United States Britain and the United States were an allie and wanted to delcare war upon the Japanese.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    -This was a battle between the US Fleet and marine court of the Midway Islands.
    -America vs. Japan -American won this battle.
  • D-Day

    -Throughout World War II, the Allied troops invaded Normandy on June 6, 1944.
    -General Dwight D. Eisenhower was the commander of this battle to happen.
    -The battle was actually postponed a day, because of bad weather.
  • Franklin Roosevelt dies

    Franklin Roosevelt dies
    -FDR was America's longest serving president who had led the nation through the Great Depression and World War II was dead.
    -died because he sufferied a massive cerebral hemorrhage that took his life in minutes.
  • Hiltler dies

    Hiltler dies
    -Hitler committed suicide with his wife in the bunker.
    -This all took place on April 30, 1945.
    -He killed himself because he knew that he had lost the battle and didn't want to exactly run and hide.
    -He also didn't want Stalin to capture him.
  • Victory in Europe Day

    Victory in Europe Day
    -This is a holiday that we celebrate on the date above that signs when the Allies in World War II accepted the surrender of the Nazis in Germany and end of Hitler's demanding commands.
  • Russia declares war on Japan

    -Stalin made a promise to Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference that Russia will enter the Pacific War no later than 3 months after Germany was defeated.
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki

    -A bomb was dropped by the United States on the city of Nagasaki.
    -This bomb exploded around 11 in the morning.
    -This bomb was known as "fatman".
  • Victory over Japan Day

    Victory over Japan Day
    -This ended World War II.
    -"memorial day for the end of the war"
  • Japanese surrender

    Japanese surrender
    -They surrendered on the battleship of the USS Missouri.
  • MacArthur accepts Japan's surrender

    MacArthur accepts Japan's surrender
    -This ends World War II and MacArthur makes it offical to say that the the war has ended.