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World War II Timeline

  • Genocide

    Genocide is the mass extinction of a group of people with their own Religion and Culture. Adolf Hitler started in 1933 with his control over the German army to wipe out the Jewish religion. The most know time of Genocide was called the Holocaust when Adolf Hitler captured and threw Jews into concentration camps to kill them. The Holocaust still scares families today from how cruel the Holocaust actually was. The rest is in google doc.
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    Rape of Nanjing

    The Rape of Nanjing or also known as the Nanjing Massacre was a mass killing that Japan started against China. During the time, there were tens of thousands of executions and rapes. Overall 100,000-300,000 people were killed in this incident. Japan raided the city because it knew that China’s government was not going to do anything about it. This battle forced America to stop the trade of oil with japan which led to things like Pearl Harbor and the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
  • Munich Conference

    The Munich agreement was when the British and French signed an agreement to give up Czechoslovakia to Germany. The agreement was because the British and the French knew that Germany’s military was too powerful, and they did not have a strong enough military to go against them. They wanted to give up Czechoslovakia specifically because Germany was already going to take it for their valuable resources. The rest is in google docs.
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

    Before World War II started, Germany and Russia signed a Non-Aggression Pact which meant that neither country could start a war with each other for the next ten years. Joseph Stalin (Leader of Russia) knew there was a war going on in Europe and knew if he made a pact with Germany, he will have enough time to build up an army to fight back. What nobody else knew about was that they agreed that when all the wars were over, they would evenly divide up Eastern Europe. The rest is in google docs.
  • Invasion on Poland

    Nazi Germany bombarded Poland in 1939 from the air and from land. Germany really wanted to regain Poland to substitute the lost territories from the Treaty of Versailles. Even though Poland’s military was big with around 1 million soldiers, they were terribly under-equipped. This battle started a new war Technic that was used a lot in World War II which was called blitzkrieg which was when all the military would quickly strike one spot and severely weaken them. The rest is in google docs.
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    Dunkirk was a town on the coast of France when all the civilians had to evacuate to England quickly because they were under attack from Germany. When Germany started to storm Dunkirk, the civilians were trying to leave on hundreds of naval and civilian sea vessels. The allies were ready and had set up troops all over France for the Germans, but they lost sight of the Germans and were all pushed north into Dunkirk. The rest is in google docs.
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    Western Desert Campaign

    Italy launched an attack on Libya bases that Britain had taken over even though they had outnumbered them. In December of that same year, Britain launched a counter-attack onto Italy to attack the Libya base. On January 22, 1941, Britain finally defeated all the Italian territories and regained Libya. On February 12, Germany went to reinforce their allies the Italians and started a war with Britain. The rest is in google docs.
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    Battle of Moscow

    Before the attack in Russia, they had the strongest military and air force. Over the course of 7 months, there were more deaths than American, British, and French combined over the course of World War II. At the time of the attack, Russia was defenseless because they were going through a massive increase in equipment. On September 30th, 1941 Germany attacked Russia’s capital of Moscow. The rest is in google docs.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl harbor was a surprise attack by the Japanese Army. There were two reasons why Japan wanted to bomb Pearl Harbor. One was so America would stop supporting the Allies in the war since they were neutral. Second, America started an oil embargo that said that America was not supplying Japan with oil. All the ships in the Harbor at the time were damaged very badly, but all very able to be repaired except the USS Arizona and the USS Utah because of how badly damaged they were.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad is known as one of the longest, largest, and deadliest battles in history. This battle had Russia and Nazi Germany fighting in close quarters which was more dangerous for the soldiers. Around two million people died in this bloody battle with almost all of them being soldiers but tens of thousand were civilians. The rest is in google docs.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was when American, British, and Canadian forces landed on the Nazi-infested beaches of France to take it back for the Allies. The battle was one of the most amphibious battles in world history because they used a boat called the Higgins boat where the soldiers would get launched onto the shores of France. France was infested with Nazis because of Dunkirk where all the soldiers and civilians narrowly escaped Germany’s grasp. The rest is in google docs.
  • Kamikaze

    The word Kamikaze stands for Divined wind or Typhoon after Japan was saved by a typhoon from an incoming attack. In 1944 Kamikaze pilots were used a lot with different attacks because the planes could be more precise than a bomb that it could drop. The only countries that really had Kamikaze pilots were Japan and convinced people to be Kamikaze pilots to serve and honor their country. The rest is in google docs.
  • The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The two atomic bombs are called Little boy, and Fat man. These bombs were dropped on Japan because of revenge for the attack on Pearl Harbor. Both of the atomic bombs were made of Uranium and killed over 320,000 Civilians, Soldiers, and Prisoners of war who died from the bombs. But since the Atomic bomb was made of Uranium, it had long last effects on the surrounding land and thousands of people were estimated to have died from these deadly materials.