World War II Timeline By:Nick Williams

  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    a surprise attack performed by Japan on America.
    2,400 military/civilian deaths
    1,178 military/civilian wounded
  • U.S. declared War on Japan

    U.S. declared War on Japan
    America decided to break its rule of being a neutral country and joined the war.
  • Germany and Italy declare war on U.S.

    Germany and Italy declare war on U.S.
    Since Japan was part of the axis powers so when war was declared on them Italy and Germany joined the fight.
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    Battle of the Atlantic

    Germany U-boats were sinking unprotected trade ships,
    so the allies started to protect convoy ships. The allies used sonar to detect German ships and subs.
    The German were very successful at the beginning but by mid 1943 the allies gained the upper hand.
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    Battle of the Coral Sea

    Prior to this battle the Japanese were winning every battle in the pacific. The U.S. and Australia eventually stopped japan from invading. The Japanese won the battle but the U.S. were able to stop the invasion for the first time. The U.S. used the island hopping technique.
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    Battle of Midway

    The Admiral Chester Nimitz intercepted Japanese code. The U.S. had launch a sneak attack on Japan at Midway. The U.S. were successful in the battle of Midway.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    Germany violated non-aggression pack with the soviet union, Hitler wanted to capture Soviet oil fields. Germany nearly won the battle but then winter hit in 1943.
  • Normandy Invasion (D-Day)

    Normandy Invasion (D-Day)
    At this time the Soviet were gaining ground in Poland while the allies made advances on there way to the north of Italy. Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower and George Patton had a hugh influence in successful military tactics.
    150,000 allied troops invaded.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    Germany broke through American lines about 80 miles. The Germans wanted to capture Antwerp, was a very brutal war for the U.S.
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    U.S. Occuation of Japan

    Trial were given to Japanese war criminals like the German Nazis. 7 out of 28 leaders were found guilty and were sentence to death including a leader named Tojo. U.S. after their victory had occupied Japan for 6 years and was directed by General Douglas MacArthur.
    Additionally the U.S. victory called for a new constitution with new rules such as free elections and rules for women suffrage. It also introduced a free market economy.
  • Yalta Confrence

    Yalta Confrence
    Took place in February 1945 before the war had ended. Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill met in Yalta in the Soviet Union. Set up the United Nations.
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    Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima was an island in the specific that was critical for the united states' victor.
    27,000 Japanese troops held the island but the U. S. were victorious.
    26,800 Japanese troops died and only 6,000 us marines
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    Battle of Okinawa

    Okinawa was Japan's last stronghold, Japan used 1,900 Kamikaze attacks. 110,000 Japanese troops died, 7,600-12,500 U.S. troops died. In the end the U.S. had won.
  • The death of FDR

    The death of FDR
    At the beginning of his fourth term FDR passed away. After America went through a major grieving period the vice president Harry S. Truman to his place as president.
  • The death of Hitler

    The death of Hitler
    On April 30th Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide with a gun shot and cyanide. Their bodies were burned and the deaths were published in the news paper.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    General Eisenhower accepted an offer of surrender from the Third Reich. It was called Victory in Europe day. This was the end of the first part of the war.
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    Truman, Churchill and then Clament Atlee, with Stalin met in Potsdam Germany. They discussed a blueprint to eliminate the Nazies.
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    Atomic Bomb attacks

    2 bombs were invented and used the first was on Hiroshima the bomb was called the "Little Bay" in 43 second, it had caused the city to collapse to dust. The second bomb was dropped at Nagasaki this bomb was called the "Fat Man" it level about half of the city.
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    V-J Day

    After the two devastating bomb that America had dropped on them Japan had offered an unconditional surrender. V-J mean Victory in Japan Day named after the day that there formal surrender was accepted.
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    Nuremburg Trials

    International Tribunal tried Nazie official for their crimes, over 23 other countries tried the Nazie official in Nuremburg Germany, 12 of 22 defendants were sentenced to death and 200 other officials who were found guilty were given less severe punishments.1