World War I ends with Germany's surrender
Germany surrenders to the Triple Entente (Britain, Russia, and France), defeated at the end of the war -
Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
A peace treaty forcing Germany to give up parts of their land, take blame for WWI, pay back 220 billion marks to the Allies, and reduce their army to 100,000 men and no air force, upsetting the Germans -
Signing of the Treaty of Saint-Germain
Habsburg empire breaks up, independence of Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Hungary, Austria is forbidden to unite with Germany; new Austria formed by the treaty is financially and militarily unstable and weak -
Hitler joins the German Workers Party
Hitler becomes enraged at the party when a man speaks in favour of the South German nation with Austria; Hitler spoke out forcefully against the man, his ability to speak impressing people -
Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party
(AKA the National Socialist Party) Hitler is chosen because of his incredible public speaking skills and his ability to connect with the public personally by sharing German struggles, making the public love him -
Benito Mussolini becomes the Prime Minister of Italy
He creates the idea of fascism being a blueprint for totalitarianism and one-man ruling in Europe -
Joseph Stalin comes to power in the USSR
(after Vladimir Lenin dies) He launches a series of five-year plans with the intention of transforming the Soviet Union from a poor society to an industrial superpower - centers on a government controlled economy -
Germany joins the League of Nations
This shows Germany's movement past an economic depression; Germany's entrance made it become a respected country of the world again -
Michinomiya Hirohito becomes Emperor of Japan
He becomes emperor upon his father, Yoshihito's, death; with supreme authority over the country, he goes to war with the U.S., and forms alliances with Germany and Italy -
Kellogg-Briand Pact (AKA Pact of Paris) is signed
An agreement to outlaw aggressive war and to settle their international disputes by peaceful means; excludes wars of self-defense, causing the treaty to ultimately fail -
The stock market on Wall Street crahses (AKA Black Tuesday)
A worldwide depression (the Great Depression) begins, hitting Germany hard, and ultimately resulting in widespread poverty and unemployment -
Militarists take control of Japan
Young Japanese officers believe the government is undermining Japan's military strength, and decide to take matters into their own hands and use their armies -
Japanese invasion in Manchuria, China
Young Japanese officers use the Kwantung army to launch an extreme conquest of Manchuria, which turns into the Japanese state of Manchukuo -
Hitler is appointed chancellor
Hitler is made the chancellor of the Weimar Republic and leader of Germany by Paul von Hindenburg. This sparks the beginning of Nazi Germany and Hitler's dictatorship -
The Reichstag Fire
An arson attack on the Reichstag building in Berlin; Nazis use this as evidence that the Communists are plotting against the government. Results in mass Communist arrests, and with the Communists gone, the Nazis now have full control -
Re-militarization of the Rhineland
German troops enter Rhineland, violating the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. The first time that German troops have been back in this region since the end of WWI -
Francisco Franco is appointed the leader of Spain
Franco is chosen because of his military ability, political record, and ability to gain military assistance from Germany (Hitler) and Italy (Mussolini) -
Anschluss (Annexation of Austria)
Germany wants to unite with Austria because Hitler is Austrian and there are many Germans in Austria. Hitler wants more living space, and to break the Treaty of Versailles to push Britain and France more -
Munich Agreement
Germany, France, Britain, and Italy sign the agreement, allowing Germany to take over Sudetenland in exchange for peace, as an attempt to appease Hitler -
Germany invades Czechoslovakia
Germany occupies Bohemia and Moravia-Silesia, violating the Munich Agreement, and dissolving the Second Czechoslovak Republic. The Czechs don't resist due to losing their main defense when Sudetenland was taken -
Anglo-Polish Military Alliance
The U.K. pledges the support of itself and France to assure Polish independence and mutual military assistance, in response to Germany's violations of the Munich Agreement and occupation of Czechoslovakia -
Pact of Steel is made between Germany and Italy
(AKA the "Pact of Friendship and Alliance between Germany and Italy", it declares further cooperation between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany; detailed as a military alliance -
German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Hitler could invade Poland unopposed by the Soviet Union, and the Soviets are no longer threatened by an unexpected German attack. the pact acts as a secret agreement to split Poland between them as well -
Germany invades Poland and World War II Begins
Britain and France vow war if Poland is attacked. Hitler doesn't listen to their warning, and bombards Poland, leaving it defenseless and taking it over