World War II Timeline

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    Battle of the Atlantic

    -January 1939 - July 1943
    -German U-Boats were sinking unprotected US (and other Allies') merchant ships
    -Allies began using convoys to protect ships and a sonar system to detect German U-Boats
    -Germany was successful at the start, however the Allies gained more power ad took the upper hand by mid 1943
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    -The U.S. wanted to prevent Japan from invading other countries; they had a trade embargo on Japan for oil.
    -The U.S. intercepted the code about Pearl Harbor and informed the U.S. navy about the attack.
    -2 400 U.S. military and civilians died (1 178 wounded).
    -118 ships sunk and 350 planes were damaged.
  • U.S. Declares War on Japan

    • As a result of the attacks on Pearl Harbour, the U.S. declares war on Japan.
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    Battle of the Coral Sea

    -The Japanese were winning every battle and taking over the Pacific, until the Battle of the Coral Sea.
    -US and Australia stopped Japan from invading in May of 1942.
     -Japan won the, but the allies were able to stop Japanese invasion for the first time
    -Beginning of the use of the USA's island hopping technique (to weaken Japanese forces).
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    Battle of Midway

    -Admiral Chester Nimitz intercepted Japanese code and the U.S. launched a surprise attack on Japan, at Pacific island called Midway.
    -U.S. was successful in the battle
    -American deaths: 307
    -Japanese deaths: (at least) 4800
    -US lost 150 planes, whereas Japan lost 275.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    -Germans had a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union - they violated it by attacking.
    -Hitler's goal was to capture the Soviet oil fields.
    -Hitler forced the Germans to stay put - Soviets used this to their advantage and won.

    - From this point, Soviet army began to move west toward Germany.
  • Normandy Invasion (D-Day)

    -Allies invaded the German forces in Normandy, France
    -Invasion lead by Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower and George Patton
    -150 000 Allied Troops invaded
    - Largest land-sea-air operation in history
    -Victory for the Allies, became a turning point in WWII
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    Battle of the Bulge

    -Germany wanted to capture the town of Antwerp, Belgium
    -Germans were able to break through an 80 mile front of American lines
    -Germans started off in the lead, then lost 6 000 tanks and guns and 1 600 planes (which lead to their defeat)
    - Americans won the war
    -120 000 German soldiers died
  • Yalta Conference

    -Took place February 1945 (before the war ended)
    -Roosevelt (American president), Winston Churchill (British prime minister) and Joseph Stalin (General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) met in Yalta, to discuss post war
    -Formed the United Nations
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    Nuremberg Trials

    -Nazi officials sent to trial by International Tribunal Court
    -In Nuremberg, Germany Nazi war criminals were tried by over 23 nations
    -12 of the 22 defendants were sentenced to death
    -200 other officials were found guilty (less harsh sentences)
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    US Occupation of Japan

    -Trials (similar to Nuremburg) held for Japanese war criminals
    -7 out of 28 leaders found guilty and sentenced to death
    -US occupied Japan for 6 years - under the direction of General Douglas MacArthur
    -Called for a New Constitution (with free elections and women suffrage)
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    • Meeting between Truman (US), Churchill (UK), Stalin (SU), and Clement Attlee (UK) -Held in Potsdam, Germany between July and August (1945) -Created a blueprint and planned to demobilize/disarm Germany and end the Nazi leadership
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    Iwo Jima

    -Iwo Jima was an island in the Pacific that was critical for U.S. win
    -27,000 Japanese soldiers guarded Iwo Jima
    -U.S. victory
    -Casualties: 26,800 Japanese troops and 6,000 U.S. Marines
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    Battle of Okinawa

    • The Battle of Okinawa was Japan’s last defensive stronghold. -Japan used 1,900 Kamikaze (suicide) attacks and 110 000 Japanese troops died.
    • Between 7,600 and 12,500 U.S U.S. troops died. -US victory.
  • Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt

    -American President F.D.R. (Franklin D. Roosevelt) dies during the beginning of his 4th term
    -Start of a major grieving period for the United States
    -Vice President Harry S. Truman takes the role as President
  • End of Hitler

    -Hitler and his partner, Eva Braun, commit suicide on April 30th, 1945
    -The bodies are burned
    -Their deaths make the cover of Time Magazine on May 7th, 1945
  • V-E Day

    -Victory in Europe day
    -On May 8th, 1945, General Eisenhower (U.S.) accepted a surrender by the Third Reich (Nazi - German empire)
    -The first part of WWII was over
  • Hiroshima

    -Part of the Manhattan Project (secret atomic bomb project)
    -Bombing of Hiroshima (known as the 'Little Boy") happened August 6th, 1945
    -In 43 seconds, the city collapsed to dust
  • Nagasaki

    -Second bombing of the Manhattan Project
    -Bombing of Nagasaki (known as the "Fat Man") took place 3 days after Hiroshima
    -Leveled half of the city
    -200 000 Japanese deaths as a result of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • V-J Day

    -V.J = Victory over Japan
    -August 15, 1945: Japan offers unconditional surrender
    -September 2, 1945: Japan formally surrenders to the USA
    -End of World War 2