World war Ii timeline

  • Soccer Day

    Soccer Day
    One day everyone just stopped the fight and the rivalrly and played the sport they like soccer.
  • zimmerman Telegram

    zimmerman Telegram
    germany tired to convince mexico to turn their back on the USA. If germany win they would help Mexco regain their old land. But Mexxico denied their over.
  • Mussolini becomes prime minister of Italy

    Mussolini becomes prime minister of Italy
    After he created his own government party, Italt was hit with a crisis.
  • Joseph stalin becames leader of Soviet Union

    Joseph stalin becames leader of Soviet Union
    After the death of Lenin, Stalin takes the name as dictator of Soviet union, trying to make them into an industrial nation
  • Hitler becomes fuhrer

    Hitler becomes fuhrer
    After gaining the support of Germany, Paul Von Hindenburg choose Hitler as a chancellor
  • spanish civial war

    spanish civial war
    A war between the nationalists and the republicans. in 1939 the nationalists won, Francisco Becamwa ruler from 1939 till 1975
  • Italy tries to invade Ethiopia

    Italy tries to invade Ethiopia
    As Benito Mussolini to flex his power, he tried to invade Ethiopia
    which was frowned upon by the rest of the world. They could'nt gain control of Ethiopia
  • Rome- berlin Asxis formed

    Rome- berlin Asxis formed
    Ab agreement between Germany and Italy's foreign minister Galeazzo Ciano and than later included Japan
  • Annexing Of Austria

    Annexing Of Austria
    Ahter the German officials the Austrizn Officials, they resigned the 11th the next day. Ausria was getting taken over by Hitler and his people.
  • Spanish Civil War Ends

    Spanish Civil War Ends
    spanish civil war ends April 1, 1939
  • Nazi- soviet nonaggtession pact

    Nazi- soviet nonaggtession pact
    The pact states the two countries agreed that they can't take no military action againstr each other for 10 years
  • Poland attacked

    Poland attacked
    Poland was attack be germany and the soviet union
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    1.5 millins german troop attacked Poland. Hitler said ot was a defensive action.
  • Start World War 2

    Start World War 2
    beginning of world war 2
  • Winston Churchill became Prime Minister

    Winston Churchill became Prime Minister
    Winston churchill was elected to be prime minister
  • Battle of Britian

    Battle of Britian
    IT was a battle that was only fought in the sky. Hitler aimed towns and he wantes to control the bottom part of Britain.
  • Tojo is elected as prme minister

    Tojo is elected as prme minister
    all ready was minister for the war now he was elected as pirme minister
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese kamukazis attacked the base, 2,000 soldiers died and planes were destroyed
  • Gas Chambers

    Gas Chambers
    Another way to get ride of the unfit or the touble makers was to put them in concetration camps they would get fooled and they would get killed
  • Battle of midway

    Battle of midway
    this was a major naval bettle. American forces suffered around 90,000 deaths
  • Manhattan project

    Manhattan project
    An effort to make an atomic bomb, it was supported by Canada and the GBR.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    A major battle in WWII was Nazi Germanys and its allies Versus Soviet alone. It was a
  • Making of the V-2 Rocket

    Making of the V-2 Rocket
    The first ever guided missle was made by NAzis
  • The death of Roosevelt

    The death of Roosevelt
    Roosevelt dies April 12, 1945
  • Death of Mssolini

    Death of Mssolini
    Mussolini died April 28, 1945
  • Hitler Death

    Hitler Death
    Hitler knowing he was going to lose the war and that he was going to die he killed himlself
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    Marks the end of world war 2in europe
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima
    An american plane dropped the first ever atomic bomb on a japanese city of hiroshima
  • Bombinf Of Nagasaki

    Bombinf Of Nagasaki
    A second atomic bomb was dropped on nagaski it is estimated that killed 40,000 throusand people
  • V-J

    It was called victory over Japan.