World war 2

World War II Timeline by Aleah Kersey

By Aria_K
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    After signing a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union, Germany invades Poland testing out their new attack mechanism called the Blitzkrieg or "Lightning War". This invasion was made by Germany because of their desire to make it a "living space" for the German people. It was under Germany's control within weeks and it ignited World War II.
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    The Battle of France (the Fall of France)

    Following after the invasion of Poland, Germany quickly invades France and begins it campaign against France and the Low Countries on May 10, 1940. Germany had invaded France due to it promptly declaring war on it after the invasion of Poland. Paris was captured on Jun 14, 1940 and France surrendered to German control with an armistice on June 22, 1940. This led to Germany controlling parts of France and leaving it unable to fight.
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    The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain was a battle between Germany and Britain. It was a series of bombing raids made by Germany. However, Britain had its Royal Air Force which along with Germany's poor intelligence, meant the postponing of Germany landing on British Isles. This meant the successful defense of an independent Britain and brought end to war with Germany (for Britain).
  • The US Passes the Lend Lease Act

    The US Passes the Lend Lease Act
    The Lend Lease Act was an act passed by the US in which meant that the US would give military aid to foreign nations during World War II. The US passed this act as a way to remain neutral in the war as they gave aid to both Axis and Allied Powers. It led to however the US getting closer to entering World War II and ruining their originally neutral, isolationist society as it gave mostly to Britain.
  • Germany Invades the Soviet Union

    Germany Invades the Soviet Union
    As the largest Germany military operation, Germany invaded the Soviet Union initiating Operation Barbarossa. Germany had made this decision because it both wanted to get rid of the communism in which ruled it, and the Jews that lived in the Soviet Union. This led to a long battle between Germany and the Soviet Union, ending with a Soviet victory.
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    Operation Barbossa

    Germany invades the Soviet Union with 134 divisions in the front and 73 more behind it. The Germans had advanced deep into Soviet territory and initiated the "Final Solution" while they were still there. Germany lost countless times and by the time winter came around, Germany was unable to provide food and medicine to continue fighting. This ended with the Soviet Union winning and changing how Germany will continue fighting.
  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
    On the morning of December 7, 1941, Japan bombed the American naval base at Pearl Harbor. Japan had the goal that if they destroyed enough American fleet units, the US wouldn't be able to interfere with their plan to conquer Southeast Asia. This ultimately led to the US declaring war on Japan (and eventually the Axis Powers as whole) and officially entering them into World War II.
  • Germany and the US declare war on Each Other

    Germany and the US declare war on Each Other
    After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Germany had later declared war on the US (and the US did the same), leading it into the European conflict. Germany had decided to declare war on the US as Hitler was convinced that the US had also wanted to declare war and also was convinced that Japan was much stronger than it was. This eventually led to the outcome changing Battle of the Bulge several years later.
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    The Battle of Midway

    The Battle of the Midway was the most important battle of the Pacific between Japan and the US. The US had intercepted the Japanese's plans through codebreakers, and ended up leaving the Japanese navy. It took place on the US Midway Island and left all Japanese aircraft carriers and the destruction of over 253 planes.
    Source: WWII Events Notes
  • D-Day

    D-Day or the Normandy Landings, was an invasion in which several hundred thousand soldiers from America, Britain, and Canada all landed in the German controlled France. This invasion is considered one of the largest invasions and it's purpose was to liberate and overthrow Nazi control (which had controlled most of Europe). D-Day led to the Battle of the Normandy which, led to the liberation of France and the unconditional surrender of Nazis.
  • The US Bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The US Bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The US bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the introduction to nuclear warfare and atomic bombs. In an effort to end the war, the US dropped to nuclear bombs, called "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" on the Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It led to the end of World War II and caused many extra causalities due to the radiation emitted from them. This had a very large impact because it introduced a brand new type of warfare (but an immoral one that many avoid).
    Source: The president's note.