World War II Timeline

  • Germany Establishes Nazi Dictatorship

    On Jan. 30 Adolf Hitler was picked to be Cancellor of the German group called Nazi's. He has began a non-democratic rule over the people. The Nazi's were taking people's right because of their religious beliefs, and the social class the people were in.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    During January 1934, Poland and Germany made a Nonagression Act saying they wouldn't fight each other. Then Sept, 1st Germany attacked Poland. The army was defeated within a a few weeks after the invasion.
  • Declares War

    Great Britain and France got mad with Germany invading Poland. Both had originally made the agreement to keep Poland safe but they couldn't with Germany attacking them. Finally they declared war on Germany for the invasion.
  • Germany Invades Western Europe

    The Low Countries and France were attached that May after a 6 week long campaign. The leaders of Britain and Fance believed Germany would attack the same way they had in WWI. But instead of attcking like in WWI, Germany attcked through Ardenes Forest. This was near the southern part of Belgium and Luxembourg near the northern part.
  • Germany Invades Soviet Union

    Germany breats the Nonaggression act he signed with th Soviet Union saying they wouldn't fight each other. After 2 years Germany turns against them and attacks Soviets. When Hitler decided this and made it happen it was the largest miltary fleet made by him in WWII.
  • Pearl Harbor

    The Japanesse had been planning the attack on the United States for months before it occured. Then they took a fleet from Japan and attacked Pearl Harbor. It severally damaged the United States Naval base on Hawaii.
  • Chelmno

    Chelmno is when Gernamy began the killing tactics of Jews. The soldiers took 60-70 Jews at a time to undress and lead to a truck and closed the doors. Then the closed the vents so the carbon monoxide would suficate them and kill them.
  • United States enters WWII

    After the attack of Pearl Harbor the U.S. was fed up with Japan they declared war on them. When they done that they entered in on the Allied Powers. The Allied Powers included Great Britain, France, and Russia.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    German SS deported thousands of Jew to Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka killing center. There was almost 265,000 Jews deported. In this around 35,000 Jews killed at the killing center by the German.
  • D-Day

    The code name for D-Day was "Overload." The Canadian, British and Amarican Troop decided it was time to attacked. They all lined their boats up on Normandy and France beaches and fought there. Almost 130,000 troops went on those islands for this.