World War II Timeline

  • Period: to

    World War II

  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    Within the first couple weeks, Polands army was defeated. The Germans used over 2000 tanks, and 1000planes to invade. Finally, after a couple days, Warsaw surrendered.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    During the 1940 in the summer, the German and British invaded the United Kingdoms skies with planes. This event was a turning point during Word War II. This battle started after the fall of France. At first the Germans didnt bomb them, but then they started losing so they started bombing. At the end of this battle, it was obvious that the British won. This was the first time the Germans lost.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation Barbarossa is a plan that Hitler made to invade the Soviet Union. When he did this, the Soviet Union was not prepared. Even though they had a big army, they didnt have the training, This invasion went on for weeks. After a couple weeks the Germans were already 500 miles inside the Soviet Union. Nearly 1 million people died but they still didnt give up. The Russian winter came finally and then most of the Germans died which ended the invasion.
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    During Operation Barbarossa Hitler wanted to capture Moscow. This was Hitlers main priority. He believed after capturing Mosocw, the whole nation would fall. When they came to Moscow, the Capital had more then 500,000 men, 900 tanks, and 300 combat planes. After a long fight, the Russians won.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    This battle was probably the most brutal battle during World War II. This battle killed most Germans while they were in Russia during the Russian winter. Armies were on their way to Causcasus when Hitler ordered an attack o Stalingrad. They mostly just wanted the oil fields. Also this was Russias center of manufactoring. DUring this battle 91,000 Germans were taken as prisoners. Then the Russians won.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
  • Battle of Kursk

    Battle of Kursk
    This battle was the last major battle the Germans and Russians had. The Germans grouped together 900,000 soldiers, 10,000 artillery guns, 2,700 tanks, and 2,000 aircraft. By the end of the battle 500,000 men were either dead, wounded, or missing.
  • D-Day Invasion

    D-Day Invasion
    This invasion was very big. The British had set up thousands of planes, ships, tanks, and landing craft and more then 3 million troops. They planned on striking in the northwestern France. The Germans knew this attack was coming. The thing was they didnt know where. More the 2,700 men died on the beaches that day. By the end they had captured France, Belgium, and Luxemburg.
  • Battle of The Bulge

    Battle of The Bulge
    As they were moving towards Germany, the Soviet army was advancing toward Germany from the East. One day, the Germans used tanks to brake through the Americans and they succeed. But then they pushed them back. Since there was no reinforcemets, the Germans retreated.
  • Battle For Berlin

    Battle For Berlin
  • Period: to

    Battle For Berlin

    This battle marked the end of World War II. The Red Army had completly outnumbered the Germans in terms of men and eqiupment. Zhukov and Konev knew the battle for German capital would be very difficult. But at the end of the battle, Berlin finally surrendered. RUssians lost 80,000 men and there was 275,000 wounded and missing. 2000 tanks were also destroyed. The Germans lost 150000 men.
  • Hiroshima Nagasaki

    Hiroshima Nagasaki
    During this time, America dropped the first bomb on the city of Hiroshima. This wiped out 90% of the country. It killed 80,000 people. The thousands more would die from radiation exposure. 3 days later they dropped another bomb on Nagasaki. This killed 40,000 people. Then Japan finally surrendered.