
World War II Timeline

  • Ribbentrop/Molotov Pact (August 23 1939) -

    Ribbentrop/Molotov Pact (August 23 1939) -
    Signed on August 23 1939, agreed on Aug. 19 1939.
    The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was one of the most important diplomatic acts in Soviet history,
    It specified that there would be no fighting between the countries that signed it. The arguments had to be talked out and not fought out.
    The pact remained for 10 years, when it leads into WWII.
    After the pact was done. The Baltic States were forced to sign mutual assistance pact with the USSR.
  • Germany’s invasion of Poland (September 1 1939) –

    Germany’s invasion of Poland (September 1 1939) –
    Around 5 in the morning, some 1.5 million German troops invaded Poland.
    Hitler claimed the massive invasion was a defensive action,
    Britain and France were not convinced. On September 3, they declared war on Germany; this is what leads to World War II.
    Hitler said the defeat of Poland to create more living space.
  • Germans Blitzkrieg (1939 – 1940)

    Germans Blitzkrieg (1939 – 1940)
    In the first phase of World War II, Germany wanted to avoid a long war.
    Germany defeated its opponents in a short series of campaigns.
    It was also called the lightning war.

    The outcome of this is that Germany devastated Poland, and
    its allis because it pushed them to Dunkirk Beaches.
  • Battle of Britain (1940) –

    Battle of Britain (1940) –
    September 1st, 1939 invaded the polish frontier.
    In summer and fall of 1940, British and German air forces collided over the United Kingdom. It locked in the largest bombing to that date.
    In the end, Germany failed to get more air superiority over the Royal Air Forces.

  • Nazis Invasion of the Soviet Union (1941)

    Nazis Invasion of the Soviet Union (1941)
    June 22 1941, Germany begins its invasion of the Soviet Union.
    He wanted to control the wheat and oil fields.
    Germans 6th army surrendered on Feb. 2 1943
  • Pearl Harbor (1941) –

    Pearl Harbor (1941) –
    December 7th 1941, Japanese air planes made a surprise attack on the US navy in Hawaii, and bombed them.
    The bombers dropped torpedoes and bombs over US Navy ships and air craft so that we would not be able to fight back.
    There were 2 wave attacks by the end of WWII and, a number of US ships were destroyed.
  • Wannsee Conference (1942) -

    Wannsee Conference (1942) -
    January 20th 1942, Nazis officials gathered to disused the topic “Final Solution of the Jewish Question.
    They had this conference to figure out a way to get all of the Jews out of Europe.
    They had many thought on how to get rid of the Jews; they had brutal ideas on how to get rid of them as well. http://www.academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php/Wannsee_conference
  • Period: to

    Battle of Stalingrad (1942) -

    The battle took place at the end of 1942 and beginning of 1943.
    The Luftwaffe started this battle by bombing the Volga River, the Stalingrad leaving the city in ruble.
    Soviet troop weren’t ready to give up even though the Germans were able to take a large portion of the city.
    November the Germans surrender because they were weak and they had a lack of food.
  • Allied Invasion of Africa (1942) -

    Allied Invasion of Africa (1942) -
    On November 8th 1942, Operation Troch landing took place, supported with air forces.
    US Allies and others invaded Africa because the Vichy French were there.
    Vichy Fence surrenders because Hitler’s army was order to take over southern France.
  • Operation Gomorrah (1943)

    Operation Gomorrah (1943)
    Operation Gomorrah was the military codename for a series of air raids conducted by the Royal Air Force
    It happened near the end of July, in the city of Hamburg.
    It left Hambug in ruins, hy were fie bombed.
  • D-Day 1944

    D-Day 1944
    Allied Forces of Britain, America, Canada, and France attacked German forces on the coast of Normandy, France.
    15,000 soilders attacked and gained a victory
    It was a tuning poin in the war.
  • Battle of the Bulge (1944)

    Battle of the Bulge (1944)
    The Battle of the Bulge was a Germany last attempt to turn away the Allies. It is conciderd to be the best battle fought by US troops. Germany attacked they used over 200,000 troops and nearly 1,000 tanks to break through the US lines. It was winter, Americans werent ready for the attack. One of the main reasons the Germans lost the battle was they did not have enough fuel for their tanks.
  • Liberation of Concentration Camps (1945)

    Liberation of Concentration Camps (1945)
    Allied troops moved across Europe in a series of offensives against Nazi Germany, they began to encounter tens of thousands of concentration camp prisoners. The Soviet Union liberated Auschwitz, the largest killing and cencentarion camp in January of 1945. The US liberated the Buchenwald concentration camp on April 11, 1945. Americans liberated more than 20,000 prisoners at Buchenwald, also liberated Dora-Mittelbau, Flossenbürg, Dachau, and Mauthausen.
  • VE Day (1945)

    VE Day (1945)
    The unconditional surrender of Germany was signed at Reims on May 7 and ratified at Berlin on May 8. On Mrach 8, western Allies crossed the Rhine after going through trongly fortified Siegfried Line and overran West Germany. Germanys collapse came shorty after a meeting on April 25 with the Western and Russian armies at Torgau in Saxony, and after Hitler's death amid the ruins of Berlin, which was falling to the Russians under marshals Zhukov and Konev.