World War II time line by Caden Handy

  • Hitler takes office

  • first concentration camp opens

  • Germans boycott all jewish shops

  • the gestapo secret police was formed

  • Nazis take over government

  • all political parties were banned except for Nazi

  • the Nuremberg Race Laws were put in place

  • all citizenship was revoked for jews and aryans and no more relationships were allowed with one another

  • Mussolini joined Hitler

  • night of broken glass took place

  • almost all jewish shops were destroyed

  • Germany invades Poland starting WWII

  • Germany establishes ghettos

  • the year everyone started declaring war on one another and the battle of the Atlantic takes place

  • Britain and France declared war on Germany

  • the US joins war (Pearl Harbor)

  • the euthanasia program (killing program in a public sermon)

  • Italy draws from most bases but Germany draws them back into the war by the axis contract

  • the Germans start taking over lands but is soon conflicted and they started getting attacked

  • D-day

  • Over 10,000 Nazis were imprisoned and 5,000 Nazis were executed

  • more than 1.25 million people were killed at Auschwitz

  • US drop the atomic bomb and ended WWII

  • Hitler committs suicide

  • the Nuremberg trials began