Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
In 1939, Adolf Hitler was appointed the position Chancellor of Germany, to hopefully create a stable government. When Hindenburg the president at the time, died,Hitler rose to power and let Nazism. He appointed young men to be military leaders, and started to build up his concentration camps. While the slaughter of Jews had already started. -
Axis Powers Formed
The Axis Powers where the joined countries of Italy, Germany, and Japan. Mussolini Lead fascist Italy, Hitler lead Nazi Germany, and Tojo lead Japan. The forming of the Axis Powers was the first step in fortifying Germany, and assuring they would be helped in conquering more land. Or killing more Jews and enemy soldiers that where captured as POWs. -
The Nazi Soviet Pact
The Nazi-Soviet pact was signed in August of 1939 In Russia, Moscow. Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler signed the non-aggression pact, in hope that they would remain neutral. Hitler wouldn't have been able to invade Poland if he had not signed this pact with Stalin. Then he wouldn't have been able to invoke lebensraum. So after this was signed Russia wasn't able to send troops to Poland, or have soldiers step foot in the country. -
Invasion Of Poland (That's SO Hitler)
The Invasion of Poland was the first step on Hitler's list. After he invaded Austria (not really invade. It was more 'Hey Austria I'm gonna stay here is that cool?' and Austria was cool with it). But the Nazi-Soviet pact assured that Hitler could invade Poland successfully. This was part of the idea of lebensraum, which was Germany expanding its living space. Concentration Camps had soon after started popping up all over Poland,and Germany when Germany had taken over. -
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
On a clear December morning in Honolulu, Hawaii; The Pearl Harbor Military base was attacked by Japanese Pilots. 8 US Naval battle ships where damaged, and 4 had sunk. The attacks on Pearl Harbor directly lead to the United States entering the war. 188 US aircrafts where destroyed, and 2,403 Americans where killed with 1,178 wounded. -
Italy switching sides to the Allied Powers
Italy surrendered almost 2 years before the war ended. This was the second time Italy had switched from Germany's side to the Allies.Then declared war on Germany. Which they had done before with the Entente in World War I. Italy switched over to the Allies side after Benito Mussolini was diminished, and had been replaced with Gen. Pietro Badoglio. Who sought peace with the Allies. -
Liberation of Auschwitz
60,000 prisoners where moved from Auschwitz in mid-January. As the front lines where moved closer to the camp, and the Soviets grew near. The Nazi's moved the 60,000 prisoners. Not including the sick. The many who ran for freedom died on the way there, or in the cattle cars they took to the new camp. 7,000 remaining prisoners in Auschwitz where liberated by the soviets on January 27th. -
Adolf Hitler Commits Suicide
On April 30th 1945, Adolf Hitler and his wife both committed suicide in his Bunker. Hitler had decided that since the war was over, he would be persecuted. And not wanting to pay for the gravity of his crimes against humanity, he killed himself, his wife, and poisoned his dog. -
VE day, or Victory in Europe was celebrated on May 8th of 1945. It was the day Nazi Germany's armed forces had surrendered to the Allied Forces. It is the formal marked date of the conclusion of Hitler's war. VJ day was a few months after VE day, after America chased Japan back into Japan. And installed a financial plan with just the right ingredients for a post-war economic miracle. -
The Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
On August 16th American B-29 bomber planes dropped the first bomb, "Little Boy", on Hiroshima. Three days later 186 miles away, "Fat Man" was dropped on Nagasaki. Only one man survived the bombings of BOTH cities. 105,000 people died from the bombing. And many contracted leukemia from the radiation left over. This was the start of Atomic warfare, which would soon lead to modernized nuclear warfare.