
World War II Significant Events

  • France joins World War II

    France joins World War II
    After Hitler broke his promise to not invade Poland, both France and Britain declared war on Germany in the same day. This lead to the two countries getting involved in the war.
  • Franco-German Armistice of 1940

    Franco-German Armistice of 1940
    This armistice was signed between Germany and France after the battle of France was lost. This determined that France would be divided into two sides; one that was to remain free, and one that would be under German rule.
  • German Invasion of France

    German Invasion of France
    France was defeated by Germany in the Battle of France, resulting in the country being captured by Germany. The armistice of 1940 was also signed on this day.
  • Establishment of Vichy

    Establishment of Vichy
    Vichy was the capital of German-occupied France. It was lead by Marshal Philippe Petain, and was a direct result of the Franco-German armistice.
  • Albert Lebrun cedes to Philippe Petain

    Albert Lebrun cedes to Philippe Petain
    Albert Lebrun was a weak French leader, and gave up his power to Philippe Petain without officially resigning.
  • The Invasion of Normandy

    The Invasion of Normandy
    France was occupied by Germany after being defeated in the Battle of France. On June 6, 1944, Allied forces invaded Normandy beach in France in an attempt to liberate part of the country. The operation lasted about a month and despite the high amount of both Allied and German casualties, it was a success as Paris was liberated.
  • Operation Dragoon

    Operation Dragoon
    This was an allied invasion of southern France. Their intent was to capture Marseille and Toulon and liberate more of France. This was a success and allowed some French soldiers to participate in the liberation of their own country.
  • Paris is liberated

    Paris is liberated
    On August 19, 1944, the people of German occupied France began to rise up against the Germans. With the help of American and French soldiers, Paris was totally liberated in six days.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Also called Operation Autumn Mist, the Germans attempted to push the conjoined Allied forces from northern France into northwestern Belgium. There were high casualties on both sides, but this ultimately ended in an Allied victory.
  • World War II Ends in Europe

    World War II Ends in Europe
    After receiving numerous blows from difficult battles and being forced out of their territory in France, Germany surrendered, ending the war in Europe.