World War II: Pacific

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    December 7, 1941. Early in the morning, Japanese air forces rained fire on civilians and Pearl Harbor. Was a surprise attack that Japan tried in order to Prevent the United States from stopping Japan's offensive attacks.
  • Bataan Death March

    April 9, 1942. The Japanese military forced 60,000-80,000 American and Filipino prisoners of war to march 65 miles. Many Filipino prisoners of war were shot and killed, and many PoW's were beaten.
  • Doolittle's Raid

    April 18, 1942. Was an air raid by the United States on the Capital of Japan, Tokyo. Led by Doolittle, he and his crew flew their B-25 Bombers and hit air strikes on Tokyo and other cities on Honshu.
  • Battle of Midway

    June 4, 1942. It was recognized as a turning point for the Pacific war for the United States against Japan. The battle between Japan and the United States at Midway lasted five days, and was a victory for the US.
  • Guadalcanal

    August 7, 1942. This battle lasted for over six months before allied forces could secure control over the island. Launched in hopes to halt the Japanese expansion of the South Pacific.
  • Okinawa

    March 26, 1944. The last major battle of WW II, and bloodiest of the Pacific campaign. This battle removed the last border separating US forces from Imperial Japan.
  • Leyte

    October 23, 1944. This battle virtually ended the Japanese Navy's capacity to fight as an organized force. Titled as the largest naval battle in modern history, with over 282 ships fighting.
  • Iwo Jima

    February 19, 1945. Launched in attempt to try and potentially invade the mainland of Japan. Titled the Bloodiest battle of World War II, over 24,000 casualties and nearly 7,000 US lives lost.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    August 6, 1945. The United States launched the attacks using atomic bombs to try and prevent countless deaths that were thought to have occurred if they had not been dropped. Killed between 130,000-230,000 people, most of which were civilians.
  • Surrender of Japan

    September 2, 1945. Happened after America dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Later, Japan signed the official surrender.