Japanese invasion of China
The Japanese invaded a place in China called Manchuria. The Japanese wanted more land to expand their country so they tried to take China. They also wanted the vast resources that China occupied. First they captured all key ports then they moved more inland to take the city and they were sucessful in controling it until 1945. They used all sorts of violence possible. They also raped hundreds of women and killed people. The rape of Nanking came from this evnt that happened in history. -
German Blitzkrieg
This was a war tactic often used by the Germans. It is refered to by the Germans as "lightnig war". It was used on Poland first as a practice round then once it was sucessful the Germans used this tactic on Blegium, the Netherlands and France. It was continuously useful until American found out the plan and used it against the Germans and thats why they stopped because it was ineffective after a while. It was basically torture for anyone who was involved with it. It was truly an awful way to go. -
Germany's invasion of Poland
Adolf Hitler was in charge of this invasion. He claimed he started this invasion because it was a defense action. But the real reason was because he wanted to take over all of Europe. Poland was supposed to give the gemans living space. Poland thought the USSR could help them but sadly they had signed an agreement with Germany saying that they wouldn't attack them and so Poland was in a terrible position. England responded to this invasion with bombing raids a couple days later. -
Fall of Paris
Adolf Hitler occupied Poland and decided to go after France. He came in one day and just took over. The people of Paris were frightened so much that 2 million of the people who lived there left and moved somewhere else. The french never stood a chance over the Germans military force. It was thousands of troops sent over to France and they basically just came in and said this place is mine. Churchill encouraged the french goverment to stay in control saying the Us would help sadly we were late. -
Operation Barbarossa
The Soviet Union signed a treaty trying to keep them out of the war, and trying to get ride of them. Hitler considered the USSR as his enemy. It didn't help that the Soviet Union's army was bigger. Hitler wanted to get rid of the Soviet Union and even though they signed a document keeping the USSR out of the war Hitler brought them into it. He attacked them and he lost that was what operation barbarossa was. It was Hitler going behind their backs and trying to get rid of them. -
Pearl Harbor
Japanese aircraft's bombed an American naval base at Pearl Habor. They killed 2,000 soilder's and civilians and this is why America joined the war. The Japanese destroyed over 20 naval vessles and almost 200 airplanes. Before this happened America was not involved in the war. But because we were provocted by the Japanese we entered it. This was the beginning of World War two for America and it was a sad day that will be remembered forever. -
Wannsee Conference
This conference was in Germany near Berlin. The main reason for the conference was to discuss what to do about the Jewish problem they were having. Hitler and many other people decided on that day what would happen to the millions of people that suffered through the Holocaust. Millions of men, women, and children died because of the decision that was made on that day. It was a devistating conclusion that they came to. That all the people that were Jewish were to be rounded up and executed. -
Bataan Death March
The Philippines were attcked by the Japanese and they took contol. Sadly we had an American Base in the Philippines and not only did the Filipinos surrendor but we also did too because we couldn't do anything else. The Japanese soliders rounded up all the Americans and made them walk. The marchers were starved and beaten. Their were thousands of people that died Filipinos and Americans. The people who survived the march were taken to prisoner of war camps and many of them died there too. -
Battle of Midway
This was a naval battle in which the Japanese were planning on attacking American ships. Luckily we were able to find out when they were planning on attacking because of our code breaking division that we had with our military forces. We were able to use our air force to bomb the ships before they even made the attack. We were actually able to find them early that morning. Although the first bombs dropped were not sucessful we managed to hit it the second time until it was no longer a problem. -
Battle of Stalingrad
Basically the germans attacked the Soviet Union and they lost. The Soviet Union waited until the germans were cold, sick, out of amunition and starving to attack them. They surrounded them around the center of the USSR and them they attacked the Nazis who tried to take control of the USSR. They were bigger, stronger and smarter and they won back their homeland which they loved. -
Operation Gomorrah
This was the bombing of the British onto Germany. In Hamnburg British planes were flying in by night and bombing all over the place. While that was happening Americans were bombing it by day. The British were a bit upset over Germany bombing them and killing 167 of their citizens. The British aircraft they had dropped 2,300 bombs over Germany. More than 1,500 germans were killed by these bombs. When it was all over millions of building, structures and people were brought to a billion pieces. -
This was an attack on the beach in Normandy. More than 130,000 men went onto that beach to claim Normandy. Thousands were killed before they could even get off the boats. They either drowned in the water because their gear was so heavy or they were shot with advanced german weapons. The beach was filled with blood. Planes were flying above the base and were dropping men at least 1 million men had landed. This was codenamed "Operation Overlord". The allies liberated France from the Germans. -
Battle of the Bulge
The Germans suprised the allied forces by attacking the Ardennes Mountains in Beligium. They were unprepared for this attack not only was it unexpected but it snowed. It was so cold that people were dying of frostbite. They were running low on everyhing. Not to mention communication were down and they were pretty much on their own until the air force came. Planes flew in and dropped supplies to their troops and then the weather started to clear up. Afterwards we were able to win the battle. -
Operation Thunderclap
Operation Thunderclap was the aillies bombing eastern most cities Germany creating a disturbence in the infrastructure. It was also to demonstrate to the citizens of Germany and that the air forces of Germany were weak and that the Nazis had failed. The operation was sucessful and many people died from it. The Germans still had things to accomplish and they wern't ready to give up just yet not until hundreds of lives were taken. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
This was the first attack on Japan after Pearl Harbor happened. 110,000 Americans were sent to Japan to seize the Japanese airfeilds. About 20,000 Japanese soilders were there defending it and they used bunkers, hidden artillary, and a system of underground tunnels to try and beat the Americans. Unfortunatly for them we won and took control of their airfields. In the process American troops either killed all of the Japanese troops or they went missing. Regardless we captured the airfield. -
Battle of Okinawa
This battle was nicknamed the "typhoon of steel". It took 82 days for them to surrendor Okinawa to the American troops. This was the last major battle before the war ended. It was one of the bloodiest battles in the Pacific Ocean. This battle involved 287,000 American soilders and 130,000 Japanese troops. We needed the airbases that they had so we attacked them and we got it. With that we won the war and beat the Japanese forces. -
VE Day
This was the day in which World War II ended. The Germans laid down their weapons and the whole world rejoiced except the Nazis. The war was over against the Germans and the allies had won. Although not all of the Germans gave up immediately some were resistant. The Soviet Union lost 600 people on May 9, 1945 the day after the war was supposed to be over. But it really was over and their was mostly peace in the world finally, and its all because the Germans ran out of resources and men. -
Potsdam Declaration
This declaration was basically saying that we would not enslave the japanese or bomb them again if they agreed to end the war. It was to show that we can be reasonable and understanding if they would agree to be the same way with us. It seemed that we would win the war but the truth is we had already won we just needed an agreement to be met and for our country and their country to be safe and rebuild from the damage that was caused with was mostly to Japan. The Japanese agreed and signed it. -
Dropping of the atomic bombs
Over in New Mexico they were working on the Manhattan project which was the building of the Atomic bomb which was dropped on the japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima instantly killing 80,000 people and more from radiation poisoning later. The second bomb was dropped three days later on Nagasaki killing 40,000 people. After the shocking amouts of death and destruction of buildings the Japanese surrendored and ended the war. -
VJ Day
This was the victory over Japan day. We had built an Atomic bomb and they had surrendored. This was the day we beat Japan. It was a glorious day that was celebrated well. The allies had won against Japan and the war was over. It was really over. The Japanese had a devistating loss of building and people and they were ready to give up and say the war was over and they did.