World War II

By deanna7
  • Mussolini rises to power

    Mussolini rises to power
    Mussolini was appointed to be the prime minister.
  • Stalin rises to power

    Stalin rises to power
    When he comes to power, he uses communism as the way to run life in soviet Russia.
  • Hirohito takes over Machuria

    Hirohito takes over Machuria
    Japan takes over Machuria and things start to bubble up.
  • All hail Hitler

    All hail Hitler
    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany and his Nazi Party, or the Third Reich, takes power and Hitler is essentially the dictator of Germany.
  • Italy taes over Ethiopia

    Italy taes over Ethiopia
    Mussolini, leader of Italy, adopted Hitler's plans to make Germany larger was to get all territories it considered German. Mussolini followed this when he invaded Ethiopia. Mussolini stated that his policies of expanding Germany were not different from other powers in Africa. The aim of invading Ethiopia was to boost Italian national prestige,
  • Spanish Revolution

    Spanish Revolution
    Spain wanted independence in Catalonia and Basque region. This lead to a major break-up of Spain and a war was about to start. t
  • Treaty number one

    Treaty number one
    Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy form the Rome-Berlin Axis treaty.
  • "ACT"

    Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact. This was a pact against communism and Russia.
  • Japan and China

    Japan and China
    Japan invades China.
  • War is about to start

    War is about to start
    Hitler annexes the country of Austria into Germany. This is also called the Anschluss.
  • Munich Conference begins

    Munich Conference begins
    which forces Czechoslovak Republic to cede the Sudetenland, which included key Czechoslovak military defense positions, to Nazi Germany.
  • Germany and Soviets become friends

    Germany and Soviets become friends
    Germany and the Soviets make a treaty where they will not invade eachother.
  • The start

    The start
    Germany invades Poland, starting World War II. Britain and France declare war on Germany starting World War II.
  • France or Germany

    France or Germany
    France gives up and surrenders to Germany one year after they declared war.
  • Hideki Tojo rises

    Hideki Tojo rises
    Tojo becomes prime minister and soon things will change.
  • Germany invades Russia

    Germany invades Russia
    Germany invades Russia in search of resources, land and most importantly oil.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japan causing many damges and life loses.
  • Allies win

    Allies win
    The allies won agaisnt Japan in the Battle of Midway.
  • Allies invade North Africa

    Allies invade North Africa
    Allies took over North Africa that was controled by the axis.
  • Russia surrenders

    Russia surrenders
    Russia surrenders to Germany in the battle of Stalingard.
  • D-Day

    Allies invade Western Europe in the largest amphibious attack known in history.
  • Mussolini was exacuted

    Mussolini was exacuted
    He was caught by Italian partisans when he was trying to flee Italy disguised as a German soldier.
  • Germany is done

    Germany is done
    Germany surrenders from the war.
  • Fat Man and Litte Boy

    Fat Man and Litte Boy
    U.S. drops two more bombs called Fat Man and Little Boy on Japan, mainly on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombs caused major damge to Japan.
  • War is over

    War is over
    Japan unconditionally surrendered to the U.S. and the war was over.Also, all the Jews from the concentration camps were realized putting an end to the Holocaust.