The Annexation of Austria
The annexation of Austria to unite with Germany. Hitler's target became the annexing of Austria after telling people that the Chancellor of Austria needed him to help stop a rebellion. He believed that Austria belonged to Germany. -
Policy of Appeasement
Hitler marched into Czechoslovakian territory after an agreement was made by Great Britain's Neville Chamberlain to appease him by giving Germany back some land that had been taken, Sudenland. This was called the Munich agreement and was the policy of appeasement to keep Hitler in line. This march, however, called the end of appeasement. -
Hitler Bombs Poland
Germany bombs the air force capability in Poland so they are crippled and cannot defend themselves. It triggered the war. -
Nazis Take France
Nazi takeover of France and the hanging of the Swastika flag on the Eiffel Tower as the Germans marched into the capital. -
Operation Sea Lion
Hitler launches an aggression against Britain called the Battle of Britain where air force bombs Britain nonstop. Germans believed that the Luftwaffe would bring Great Britain to its knees. Great Britain’s royal navy was instrumental in not falling to its knees. -
Blitzkrieg (Lightning war) over Great Britain of coordinated attacks showed the strength of Great Britain when after 9 months (September 1940- May 1941) of bombing, Great Britain was able to still maintain some resistance. The US helped by sending supplies to Great Britain. -
Germany and Axis Powers Attack Soviet Union
Hitler and Axis Powers attack Soviet Union and thought it would be an easy victory; thought Soviet Union would collapse quickly but Soviet Union had huge army -
Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
Japanese attacked the U.S and dropped bomb on Pearl Harbor getting U.S. involved in World War II -
Declaring War
Britain and U.S. declare war on Japan (12/8); Germany declares war on U.S. (12/11) -
Battle of Midway
U.S. Navy defeats Japanese Navy -
Battle of Stalingrad
Battle of Stalingrad begins; Soviet Union stopped Germans from advancing into city of Stalingrad; turning point of war for Allies -
Casablanca Conference
Roosevelt holds Casablanca conference and announces that the war will not end until their is "unconditional German surrender" (1/14-24) -
Peak of Battle of Atlantic
Peak of Battle of Atlantic occurs when 27 merchant ships were taken down by German U-boats (3/16-20) -
Resistance of Jewish
Resistance of Jewish people in the Warsaw ghetto comes to an end -
Control of Sicily
Allies take control of the land of Sicily from the Germans (7/9-10) -
British Bomb Berlin
British bomb Berlin, the capitol of Germany and the Nazi Party -
Battle of the Bulge
Towards the end of the war, this battle was the last offensive that German forces would make in the war. They tried to encircle Allied forces and create a Treaty in their favor. The Allied forces overcame this attempted offensive by Germany shutting it down in one of the deadliest battles for both sides. (12/16/44-1/25/45) -
Battle of Remagen
During the Allied invasion of Germany, they won this battle to advance to the Rhine, a sought-after territory throughout this war. Once they had advanced to the Rhine, many other opportunities opened up to allow them to advance further into the Nazi territory and come to the end of the war. (3/7-25) -
Battle of the Collecchio
Battle between the Brazilian Expeditionary Division, with help from some American forces, against the Wehrmacht's 148th Reserve, 90th Panzergrenadier Divisions and the fascist National Republican Army's 1st Bersaglieri "Italia". The Allies won and were able to surge through to the north. (4/26-29) -
Nazi Party Surrenders
Official surrender of the Nazi Party to the Allied powers. Marked the end of all fighting for the Allies in Europe. -
Japan Surrenders and World War II Ends
After the dropping of the nuclear bombs at Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan officially surrenders to the Allied powers, putting a complete end to World War II, with the Allies coming out victorious.