Stalin Comes To Power
Joseph Stalin was part of the Russian Revolution and held the position of General Secretary. After the death of Vladimir Lenin, Stalin gained total control of Russia and became a Totalitarian dictator. -
Mussolini becomes Prime Minister of Italy
Mussolini was originally a socialist until he was kicked out of the PSI (Italian Socialist Party). After Joining the Italian army during WWI his views shifted from socialism to extreme nationalism, and he founded Italian Fascism. After the march on Rome, he took power by force and became the Italian dictator. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
After Germany fell into a great economic depression after WWI, Adolf Hitler became violent and disillusioned. He joined the German Workers Party (the eventually Nazi Party) and made a failed attempt at a coup. After being thrown in jail, he wrote the book Mein Kempf, which was one of the reasons for his popularity after his release. After systemically eliminating his enemies in a single night Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany. -
The Holocaust, or Shoah, was organized by Hitler and his Nazi group which started on January 30,1933 and ended in May 8, 1945. Hitler wanted a place with only pure-Germans (blonde hair and blue eyes), since he was an extreme nationalist, therefore he ordered to erase every European-Jew. Every Jew found was sent to concentration camps where about 6 million were killed. It was one of the largest genocides in history. -
Non Aggression Pact
Shortly before war had actually broken out in Europe, the Germans and Soviets signed the Non Aggression Pact. In this pact they agreed not take any military action against each other for another 10 years. The soviets will later assist the Germans in the invasion of Poland -
Invasion of Poland
After signing the Non Aggression Pact, which gave segments of Poland to both Germany and Russia, The Germans could now go full throttle in the invasion of Poland (with help from the Soviets). The invasion took about six weeks. -
Phony War ¨Sitzkreig¨
An eight month period during WWII where there was no military movement on from the allies. It would eventually result in the German invasion of France. -
Battle of the Atlantic
The longest Military campaign in WWII. Originally it formed as a blockade against the Germans, which eventually turned into a counter-blockade against the Allies. It consisted of Naval warfare. -
Battle Of Britain
A series of Nazi Air attacks that occurred over Britain for about 3 months. Eventually the British air force began to retaliate and it ended as a win for the Allies. Germany never takes Britain. -
Lend-Lease Act Passed in US
An act in which the US provided food, oil, weaponry, and other supplies to the Allies. -
Hitler invades Soviet Union
The Germans attempt to take the Soviet Union, but since they attempt to invade in the middle of the Russian winter, it inhibits their military forces greatly. The Soviets began to retaliate, effectively pushing Germany out of the SU. It results in a massive loss for the Germans and the Russians joining the Allied forces. -
Pearl Harbor Attack
"A date which will live in infamy" was said in Franklin D. Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor Speech of the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7. 1941. Even when the US and Japan had a "peaceful negotiation", which was a trade for oil than territories like the Philippines, Japan decided to have a surprise attack instead in Pearl Harbor. The US did not expect this nor prepared. Over 2,000 were killed and about 1,000 were injured. This made FDR and the US to decide to go into war and join World War II. -
America Declares War On Japan and Enters WWII
After the attack of Pearl Harbor which lead into a day "of infamy" and killing thousands, President Franklin D. Roosevelt finally decided to go into war with Japan and join World War II. The Congress quickly accepted his declaration. -
War Production Board Created
The War Production Board was created on January 16, 1942 by Franklin D. Roosevelt. This agency focused on supervising war production during World War II, also converting peacetime work industries into war needs. It created oil, plastic, metal, etc which are items needed for war essentials. It was soon replaced with Civilian Production Administration after the defeat of Japan in late 1945. -
Executive Order 9066
On February 19, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the presidential executive order during World War II to authorize the Secretary of War to take Japanese Americans, German Americans, and Italian Americans to internment camps in military zones to prevent any spies or inland attacks. -
Battle of Coral Sea
The Battle of Coral Sea was the first air-sea battle between Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) and America with Austria. It took place over the Pacific Theater when Japan invaded and occupied New Guinea. As they attempted to advance, the US and Australia stopped them with their air force before Japan took over. -
Battle of Midway
Between June 4 and 7, 1942, was the Battle of Midway. The Battle of Midway was the most decisive naval battle in history of warfare. This battle happened a few months after the attack on Pearl Harbor with Japan believing that the US was weak and in poor conditions to fight. The Japanese fought in order to claim more dominance over the Pacific, but they were wrong when they tried to fight the US. The US was industrialized and well trained which is why they won against Japan. -
Operation Torch (North Africa)
Operation Torch was the given name when the Allied Forces invaded North Africa. This was the first time the US and British worked together on an invasion plan together. The Soviet Union asked US and British to pressure Germany in order to reduce their forces. Britain believed it would end in a disaster if it was taken place in Europe, therefore, the invasion took place in North Africa so that the Allied Forces can clear the Axis Powers from that area to improve naval forces and another invasion. -
Office of War Moblization
An independent agency formed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to help coordinate America's industrial and economic mobilization that involved war efforts during World War II Ended in October 1944. -
Invasion of Sicily / Italy
The Invasion of Sicily began in July 9 after Operation Torch and ended in August 17, 1943. It is also known as Operation Husky. The area was a large amphibious and airborne operation, therefore the Allies drove the Axis Powers out of Italy to create more naval and merchant ships. -
On June 6, 1944, about 160,000 Allied troops fought against the Nazis on the beaches of Normandy, a heavily fortified French coastline. Though the cost was high in gaining a foothold in Continental Europe, about 9,000 soldiers died but their sacrifices benefited about 100,000 troops progress through Europe to defeat Hitler's troops. It was a risky battle but a successful one. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
The Battle of Iwo Jima is one of the major battles of the US Marine Corps. that began on February 19, 1945 and lasted until 26 March, 1945. The US invasion, or Operation Detachment, successfully captured the islands of Iwo Jima from the Imperial Army of Japan in order to provide an area for attacks on Japan's main islands. Japan had no match for the US for the Americans were superior and in control in arms and air force. -
Battle of Okinawa
The Battle of Okinawa, or Operation Iceberg, took place on Japanese Ryuku Islands in Okinawa beginning on April 1, 1945. The Allies plan was to take over the islands in order to create a base for their air operations for their invasion on Japan's home lands.This battle was one of the bloodiest battles in the Pacific that ended in June 22, 1945 with the Allies winning. -
Battle of Berlin
The Battle of Berlin began in April 16, 1945 and lasted until May 2, 1945. The battle was fought between the Soviet Union and Germany. The SU worked they way into the city of Berlin in order to stop Germany from progressing any longer. They outnumbered German soldiers since most were not in shape to fight to begin with. The German soon surrendered and Hitler committed suicide, leading Europe have victory and ending World War II in Europe. This was the last major battle in Europe. -
Suicide of Hitler
Hitler decided to commit suicide on April 30, 1945. Even though he made a bunker in Berlin weeks before his suicide as preparation to hide as Germany fell, the Russians were only a day away from overtaking the chancellery; which is why he committed suicide instead of escaping since he had no time left to leave. Him and his wife both took cyanide capsules, but for extra measures, he shot himself. Both their bodies were cremated until taken by Russians. -
V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day)
V-E day, or Victory in Europe Day, is celebrated on May 8, 1945. It is the (holi)day when Europe and Allies has a victory over Germany's surrender, thus marking of the end of World War II in Europe. -
Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
As a new weapon, the US created the atomic bomb in order to use on their enemies. Though the plan originally was to use it on Germany, but by the time the bomb was ready, Germany admitted defeat. At the same time, the rage of Japan continued. To end the war quickly, the US used the bomb in Hiroshima, Japan then Nagasaki. It killed about 120,000 people due to explosions, radiations, etc. This made Japan surrender, granting the US victory of World War II. But this may have ignited the Cold War. -
End of World War II
The end of World War II (for the US and Allied Forces) is on September 2, 1945. Through many battles, the victory goes to Allied forces as the Japan and Germany surrendered. This is one of the most bloodiest and longest wars in world history. After this, a boom in economics and population raised in the US.